Developmental Assessment in the Primary Care Setting Flashcards
Typical motor development proceeds:
cranial to caudal
- lift head from prone
- sit with trunk support
- sit unsupported
Proximal to distal
- batting at toys
- up on elbows in prone
- reach/grasp objects
- raking grasp
- pincer grasp
- lifts shoulder while prone
- can hold head up and begins to push up when lying on tummy
2 month motor milestones
- pushes up onto elbows/forearmas when on tummy
- holds head steady without support when held
4 month motor milestones
- leans on hands to support herself when sitting
- pushes up with straight arms when on tummy
6 month motor milestones
gets to sitting independently
9 month motor milestones
walks holding on to furniture
12 month motor milestones
Takes a few steps on his/her own
15 month motor milestones
walks without holding on to anything
18month motor milestones
kicks a ball, walks or climbs up a few stairs with or without stairs, runs
24 month motor milestones
30months- jumps off of the ground with both feet
skills that involve smaller, more precise movements in the wrists, hands, fingers, feet, toes, lips and tongue
fine motor skills
opens hands briefly
2 months
holds a toy in hand
uses arm to swing at toys
brings hands to mouth
4 months
- moves things from one hand to other hand
- uses fingers to “rake” food towards himself
9 months
picks things up between thumb and finger
12 months
uses fingers to feed themselves food
15 months
- scribbles
- drinks from a cup without a lid and may spill sometimes
- tries to use a spoon
18 months