Developmental Assessment Flashcards
Give the developmental milestones for ‘gross motor’
2m - lifts head to 45 degrees in prone (‘tummy time’)
3m - rolls over
6m - sits (without support)
9m - crawls
10-12m - ‘cruises’
15m - walks alone
2.5y - runs & jumps
5y - skips
What is the limit age for sitting without support?
What is the average age for sitting without support?
What is the limit age for walking (unsteadily)?
Give the developmental milestones for ‘vision and fine motor’
2m - fixes & follows through 90 degrees
4m - reaches for toys
4-6m - palmar grasp
6m - transfers toy from one hand to other
9m - immature pincer
18m - 2 block tower
2y - circular scribble
3y - copies circle
4y - copies cross & square
5y - copies triangle
What is the limit age for fixing & following?
3 months
What is the limit age for reaching for toys?
What is the limit age for transferring toys from one hand to the other?
What is the limit age for mature pincer grip?
Give the different ages for brick building
Tower of three – 18 months
Tower of six – 2 years
Tower of eight or a train with four bricks – 2.5 years
Bridge (from a model) – 3 years
Steps (after demonstration) – 4 years
What is the average vs limit age for fixing & following?
Average: 6-8w
Limit: 3m
What is the average vs limit age for reaching out for toys?
Average: 4m
Limit: 6m
What is the average age for palmar grasp?
What is the average vs limit age for transferring toys from one hand to the other?
Average: 6m
Limit: 9m
What is the average vs limit age for mature pincer grip?
Average: 10m
Limit: 12m
What is the average age for drawing:
a) line
b) circle
c) cross
d) square
e) triangle
a) 2y
b) 3y
c) 4y
d) 4y
e) 5y
Give the developmental milestones for ‘hearing, speech and language’
birth: startles to loud noise
6-8w: vocalises
3m: turns to sound
4m: squeals
6m: babbles
9m: mama dada
12m: 2-3 words
18m: 6-10 words
Give the developmental milestones for ‘social, emotional and behavioural’
6-8w - smiles
3m - laughs
4m - excited by food
6-9m - stranger awareness
10-12m - waves bye bye, plays peek-a-boo
13m - understands ‘no’, gives up toy
15m - indicates wants
18m - drinks from cup, can ask for food and drink
4y - parallel play with other children
at what age should a child have head control?
At what age should a child be able to run?