Developmental approach Flashcards
How does Bandura et al’s study link to the Developmental Approach?
Bandura et al’s study shows use that people leartn new behaviours theyhave observed from the environment. As children who observed the role models aggressive behaviour towards the bobo dolls also showed the similar aggresive behaviout towards the toys when they played with them. Children then generalised these behaviours to other situations therefore changing their development.
How does Chaney et al’s study link to the Developemental Approach?
Chaney et al looks at how children can learn to increase compliance to a medical regime for asthma using the external influence of a Funhaler, showing that children can develop certain behaviours through the use of positive reinforcment. As well as supporting the nurutre position in the nature/nurture debate, suggesting that nurture is an important influence on development.
How Kohlberg’s study link to the Developmental Approach?
Kohlberg’s theme of moral development consists of three levels each devided into two stages. The three stages consist of pre-convenional, conventional and post-conventional. Childrens progressions through each of the stages to reach the next levels is determined bynature, suggesting that nature has an important influence on development.
How does Lee et al’s study link to the Developmental Approach?
Lee et al highlight age-related chamges in truth telling suggesting that continued exposure to the Chinease cultural emphasis on modesty has an impact on moral development. For exampple, Chinease children in prosocial situation rated truth telling less positively than Canadian children do. This suggests that nurture is an important influence on development.