Developmental Flashcards
series of long lasting change, many changes throughout life.
Who you are as an adult is affected by childhood, majority of change is during childhood to change cognition.
What changes in human behaviour?
biology, cognition, social
Key concepts in science
- theory is an established explanation of why phenomenon occur
- hypothesis predicts how result will look prior to experiment
- facts are established not discussed, can be easily gained from environment or need specific environment to produce
What do theories need to be able to do?
explain all evidence gathered about something
Stimulus response Psychology
comes from behavioursism, response to stimuli where only the most basic reflexes are inherited genetically, strongly based on environment, most simple to complex come from environment, trial and error- reinforcement
Thorndike’s stimulus response
- Law of effect- states if the response is positive then is more likely to continue behaviour- stim and response
- Law of exercise – more often stimulus is consistent, then more likely to continue behaviour strengthening stim and response, but if not prepared or ready to learn then will not continue behaviour
Pavlov’s dog
classical conditioning, stimulus causes response, dogs linked sound to food, so would salivate when hear bell
BF Skinner
instrumental conditioning, reward and punishment, the environment causes changes to behaviour
you can’t inherit talent, inheritance, temperament etc, the environment causes change and who a person becomes, so will a perfect environment crate a perfect person?
Edward Tolman and latent learning ‘cognitive maps in rat and men’
Placed rats in a maze and give them a learning period where they wander until they find food, this is repeated and the rats become faster, shows learning behaviour, if rats are very hungry they will hurry more and vice versus
if given rewards everyday they slowly learn the maze and become faster, if rats received no food, it took them ger to learn the maze
they created a cognitive map so when food became involved they were able to use the map
The cognitive revolution
in the 50s behaviour was linked to internal cognitive processes, Chomsky hypothesised that the are unborn structures within the brain, without this we couldn’t learn to speak, therefore we have innate learning/ genetics, additionally nativism in 60s became harder to explain more complex things like language through reinforcement
Violation of expectation
Spelke claims humans are born with core knowledge of the physical world, innate to know the basic knowledge of the world, to know this they must test young infants
VoE where spelke tested 3 months to 1 year- 2 scenarios- follow law of physics or break law, infants tend to look longer at impossible events, they understand it doesn’t make sense, innate knowledge of the world
Innate concepts theory
they argue humans have cognitive modules specialised in processing of events, difficult theory to prove or falsify, rules more sophisticated with development so there’s some learning
rejects stimulus-response and nativist claims
Piaget had 2 mechanisms of change, assimilation and accomodation
used preexisting frameworkds of information to understand stimilus, fitting it into current framework
adjusting own cognitive framework to understand reality, adjusting to new experiences
what if Piagets 2 mechanisms are balanced?
the child has equilibrium
are frameworks of the world around us to help us understand it
Sensory motor stage
birth to 2yrs lack object permanence
Preoperational stage
2 to 7, ego centrism, imagination stage, don’t understand conservation early in this stage, centration (focus on objects stage and shapes, cant understand things that look different sizes might be the same size
Operational stage
starts 6 to 7 and ends at 12 years, during this stage develop ToM
formal operational stage
12 years through to adulthood, however non of these stages are fixed
Social Constructivism
Vygotsky emphasised language and the way children develop changes with culture and children and adults think very differently
Piaget thought cognitive representation must come first, while Vygotsky thought there’s a basis of language and culture, and thought