What is development?
It is a broader term where it measure the relative living standards and quality of life in a nation. Fundamentally is how people develop over time.
What are the three things HDI measures?
-Living standards (real GNI per capita (PPP))
Definition of HDI?
Measure relative life longevity, basic education, and minimal income of a nation.
What are pro and cons of HDI
- Relatively easy to calculate and standardise across nations
-Takes into account per capita income by using PPP (GNI per capita)
-Takes into account well being and health of a nation
-Doesnt take into account distribution of income
-Doesnt involve political freedoms and security of a nation
-Doesnt measure pollution and the sustainability of an economy.
Other measures of development?
Better life index
happy planet index
multidimensional poverty index
Characteristics of low developing countries?
Low standard of living
Low levels of productivity
Low levels of savings
High population growth
Primary sector dependence
High unemployement
Low competitiveness internationally