Development over the lifespan Flashcards
What is a sensitive period?
A sensitive period is an optimal age range for certain experiences, but if those experiences occur at another time, normal development is still possible
What is a critical period?
A critical period is an age range, during which certain experiences must occur for development to proceed normally
What is a cross-sectional design?
Are cross-sectional design, compares people of different ages at the same point in time
What is a longitudinal design?
Longitudinal designs repeatedly, test the same cohort as it grows older
What is a sequential design?
A sequential design combines the cross sectional and a longitudinal approaches
What is a zygote?
A fertilised ovum
When does an embryo develop?
An embryo develops from the end of week two through to week eight after conception
What is the age of viability?
The age of a viability is where the foetus attains a level of maturity that would result in survival outside of the womb in event premature birth
Define teratogen
Teratogen’s are external agents that cause abnormal prenatal development
What is the cephalocaudal principal?
The cephalocaudal principle reflects the tendency for development to proceed in a head to foot direction
What is the Proximodistal principle?
The proximodistal principle states that development begins along the inner most parts of the body, and continues toward the outer most parts
What does maturation refer to?
The genetically programmed biological processes that govern our growth.
What is a schema?
A schema is a mental framework that guides our interactions with the world
Define assimilation
Assimilation is the process by which new experiences are incorporated into existing schemas
What is accommodation?
Accommodation is the process by which new experiences force existing schemas to change
Describe the zone of proximal development
The difference between what a child can do independently versus what a child can do with assistance
 Define theory of mind?
Refers to a persons beliefs about the mind and the ability to understand other people’s mental states