Development of the pharyngeal arches and ear Flashcards
What forms the definitive endoderm and mesoderm?
Invagination of epiblast cells through the primitive streak
What are the three main groups of mesoderm?
Lateral Plate
When does arch 1 develop?
Day 22
When does arch 2 +3 develop?
day 24
When do arch 4-6 develop?
Day 29
What are the three components of the pharyngeal apparatus?
- core pharyngeal arch (mesenchymal tissue)
- external pharyngeal cleft (ectoderm)
- Internal pharyngeal pouch (endoderm)
What do neural crest cells form?
Skeletal components of the face
What are the components of a pharyngeal arch?
Core of mesanchyme (musculature of the face), neural crest cells (skeletal components of the face), cranial nerve component, artery (aortic arch artery)
What are the skeletal elements of the 1st pharyngeal arch?
- Maxillary process
- maxilla
- zygomatic bone
- squamous portion of temporal bone
- Mandibular process
- Meckels cartilage
- Incus and malleus
- mandible
What is the nerve supply to all musculature in the 1st pharyngeal arch?
What muscles arise from the 1st pharyngeal arch?
-muscles of mastication (masseter, temporalis, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid) -anterior belly of digastric -Mylohyoid -Tensor Tympani -Tensor veli palatini
What is the sensory supply to the skin of the face?
V1: ophthalmic
V2: maxillary
V3: mandibular
What is the cartilage of the 2nd arch?
Reichert’s cartilage
What are the skeletal derivations of the second pharyngeal arch?
Stapes Styloid process of temporal bone Stylohoid legament Lesser horn of hyoid Upper part of hyoid body
What are the muscular derivatives of the second pharyngeal arch?
Muscles of facial expression
- posterior belly of digastric
- stylohyoid
- stapedius
- auricular muscles