Development of the GI Tract Flashcards
When does the GI tract development occur?
It occurs during the 3rd to 12th weeks embryonic age (5 to 14 weeks from LMP).
LMP meaning - last menstrual period.
What is the significance of the gut tube formation?
Organs and glands are produced by budding from the gut tube.
Why is folic acid important during the first trimester?
Folic acid helps with the fusion and closure of the spinal cord. It can significantly reduce the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs), such as spina bifida.
Spinal bifida meaning - It is when a baby’s spine and spinal cord don’t develop properly in the womb, causing a gap in the spine.
Describe primary germ formation.
- The primary germ layers are formed during the process of gastrulation.
- It starts to happen at the 3rd week (by week 10-12 the GI tract is almost fully formed).
- The embryo is a flat disc, comprised of two cell layers: epiblast and hypoblast.
- Epiblast cells in the mid-line of the embryo begin to ingress, starting from the caudal (tail) end; this is visible as the primitive streak.
- The ingressing cells differentiate into the mesoderm (that will become the surrounding muscles, connective tissue and mesenteries and blood vessels).
- The epiblast gives rise to the ectoderm (neural crest; it provides innervation to the gut, the enteric nervous system).
- The hypoblast (and epiblast) gives rise to the endoderm (with forms the epithelium and the gut tube and the glands). Most genetic abnormalities occur at this time.
Endoderm - Mesoderm - Ectoderm
Briefly describe the directions of the formation of the gut tube.
- The gut tube is formed by the folding of sheets of cells in two directions: -
- Folding towards the midline along the cranial-caudal axis.
- Folding towards the yolk sac at the cranial and caudal ends.
- The cloacal membrane is formed by ectoderm and ectoderm coming into contact with each other. It forms your urogenital sinus.
- Within the embryo, the cranial and caudal intestinal portals extend the tube towards the mouth and anus, delimited by the prochordal and cloacal plates.
- Bucco-pharyngeal membrane forms the mouth and the pharynx.
- Septum transversum forms the area where your diaphragm forms.
Urogenital sinus meaning - It is a part of the human body only present in the development of the urinary and reproductive organs. It is the ventral part of the cloaca, formed after the cloaca separates from the anal canal during the fourth to seventh weeks of development.
Describe the origin of the mesenteries.
- The mesentery is a contiguous set of tissues that attaches the intestines to the posterior abdominal wall in humans and is formed by the double fold of peritoneum. It helps in storing fat and allowing blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves to supply the intestines, among other functions.
- The lateral plate mesoderm splits into parietal (somatic) and visceral (splanchnic) layers.
- The somatic layer depends on a continuous layer with mesoderm that covers the amnion (It forms the muscles).
- The splanchnic depends on a continuous layer that covers the yolk sac (It is the autonomic nervous system that goes in the gut).
What is the primary gut tube made up of?
It is made up of a sheet of endoderm, which makes the epithelia and glands. It is surrounded by mesoderm, which makes muscles and connective tissue (including mesentery).
What are the subdivisions of the primary gut tube, and where do their boundaries lie?
- Pharynx.
- Oesophagus.
- Stomach.
- Cranial half of duodenum.
- Ampulla of Vater (It is formed by the union of the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct).
- Caudal duodenum (From duodenal papilla).
- Jejunum.
- Ileum.
- Caecum.
- Appendix.
- Ascending colon.
- Proximal 2/3 of transverse colon.
- Distal 1/3 of transverse colon.
- Descending colon.
- Rectum.
What are the blood supplies to the different parts of the gut?
- The coeliac artery supplies the foregut.
- The superior mesenteric artery supplies the midgut.
- The inferior mesenteric artery supplies the hindgut.
What is the innervation of the gut?
- Sympathetic ganglia develop next to the major branches of the aorta.
- Post-ganglionic, sympathetic axons unnerved the same tissues that the arteries supply with blood.
- Celiac ganglion: foregut.
- Superior mesenteric ganglion: midgut.
- Inferior mesenteric ganglion: hindgut.
Describe the formation of the stomach.
- Stomach arises by expansion and rotation.
- During week 4 at the level where the stomach will form, the tube begins to dilate, forming an enlarged lumen.
- The stomach does a 90º clockwise turn about the cranio-caudal axis.
- The initial left side of the tube will form the greater curvature of the stomach and the initial right side of the tube will form the lesser curvature.
- Over time the The blood supplies is going to be gastric arteries.
- The vagus nerve is the main nerve to supply this part of GI tract.
What is the falciform ligament?
The falciform ligament is a ligament that attaches the liver to the anterior (ventral) body wall, and separates the liver into the left medial lobe and left lateral lobe.
What is the omentum?
- It is a fold of peritoneum connecting the stomach with other abdominal organs.
- It protects your bowl from getting infected.
- There are two:-
- The greater omentum - It extends from the greater curvature of the stomach, passing in front of the small intestines and doubles back to ascend to the transverse colon before reaching to the posterior abdominal wall.
- The lesser omentum - It is the double layer of peritoneum that extends from the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach (hepatogastric ligament) and the first part of the duodenum.
- The epiploic foramen connects the greater and lesser omentum.
What fixes the mature gut in place?
Fusion of the mesentries with the posterior abdominal wall fixes the mature gut in place.
Describe pyloric stenosis.
- It is when there is a gastric outlet obstruction caused by smooth muscle hypertrophy (ie. the smooth muscle forming the pyloric sphincter overgrows).
- It can be spotted in newborns, as they will start projectile vomiting shortly after feeding (the vomit will NOT be bile-stained).