Development of the Cold War, 1944-1953 Flashcards
What crucial events happened in 1945?
Potsdam Conference
Yalta Conference
VE Day
VJ Day
When was NATO established?
When was the Berlin Blockade?
When was the Sino-Soviet alliance signed?
When did Stalin die?
When were the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan launched?
At which Conference did Truman announce that the US had a bomb?
Who were the key personalities in the development of the Cold War in 1945-50?
Harry Truman, Franklin D Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin.
Why was Stalin suspicious of the US and the UK?
Their delay in opening a second front during WW2.
Why did the Grand Alliance fall apart so shortly after WW2?
Because it was only created to defeat the common enemy, Germany. After the war, the ideological differences and tensions became very apparent and the alliance fell apart.
What was the Policy of Containment?
A policy adopted by the US to contain communism and prevent its expansion.
How did Truman’s replacing Roosevelt affect the US approach to the conflict?
Their attitude went from one of accommodation to one of confrontation.
How would Truman’s approach become known?
The Iron Fist.
Why did the US misinterpret Stalin’s want for security as expansionism?
Because they had not been affected directly by the war due to geography, so they had not lost territories and cities as the USSR had.
Who replaced Churchill as prime minister in 1945?
Clement Attlee.
Why did the West believe that Stalin was trying to expand communism?
He didn’t keep his promise of allowing free elections in Eastern Europe and wanted to keep the region as a buffer zone.
When was the Atlantic Charter agreed to?
August 1941 between the US and the UK.
What were the principles of the Atlantic Charter?
Economic collaboration, a general security system and the drawing of national boundaries with regard to the wishes of the local population
When was the Yalta Conference?
February 4-11, 1945
When was the Potsdam Conference?
July 17 -August 2, 1945
What agreements were reached at the Yalta conference?
-Demilitarisation of Germany
-Punishment of war criminals
-Division of Germany into 4 zones
-Creation of a reparation council
-Stalin’s commitment to join the UN
-Stalin agreed to declare war on Japan
-Agreement to hold elections in Poland
When did FDR die? What was his role in UK-US-USSR relations?
He died in April 1945. His role was that of a diplomat/middleman.
What were the main concerns at the Potsdam conference?
-Immediate administration of Germany
-Demarcation of borders of Poland
-Occupation of Austria
-Determination of reparations
-Prosecution of the war against Japan
-Definition of the USSR’s role in Eastern Europe
Why was there no amity or goodwill at Potsdam?
Each nation was concerned with its self-interest and Roosevelt wasn’t there to act as a diplomat.
Why did the dropping of an atomic bomb have little effect on Stalin’s policies?
Because he didn’t think Truman would bomb Europe. He saw the bomb as a bluff. The US having an atomic bomb deepened his mistrust and paranoia. He may have been scared but didn’t show it.
In which Eastern European countries were pro-communist governments set up in 1945-47?
Which was the only Eastern European state not under communist control in 1947?
Why was Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech important?
When did it happen?
March 1946.
It gave words to the general sentiment of the time. It called for a UK-US alliance. He delivered the speech as a private individual and without informing PM Attlee of its content.
Truman was present.
Stalin saw it as provocative and called Churchill a warmonger.
What did the Marshall Plan consist of?
Giving financial aid to European countries affected by the war. Churchill called it the most unselfish act in history.
The money was only for non-communist countries though, and there were loans and interest attached to it. It was implemented because the US feared that poverty was a breeding ground for communism.
What did the Soviet Union view the Marshall Plan as?
An attack on communism. Foreign minister Molotov called it ‘Dollar Imperialism’.
What was Cominform?
An organisation to coordinate communist groups and parties throughout Europe. Set up in 1947.
What was Comecon?
Organisation to provide economic assistance to Eastern European countries in response to the Marshall Plan.
Set up in 1949.
When did the Czechoslovakian crisis happen? Briefly explain it.
- Czechoslovakia was not under communist rule but didn’t receive Marshall aid. This was blamed on the communists in government. Before the elections, the communists staged a coup and took over the police force. The president was forced to resign and replaced with a communist.
The communists took over the country with little bloodshed and without direct help from Moscow.
Why was the Berlin Blockade set up?
Because Stalin felt excluded by the Allies from the 4-zone system. The Allies established a separate West German state in 1948 and introduced a new currency.
Stalin set up the blockade in June 1948.
What were some results of the Berlin Blockade?
The West airlifted supplies in, this was very dangerous and expensive.
Definitive end of US isolationism.
NATO was set up.
The division between East and West was now permanent.
The East became the DDR.
When did the USSR explode their first atomic bomb?
When was the hydrogen bomb developed?
What were some factors in the arms race?
US concerns about not having nuclear monopoly anymore, China falling to communism, desire to have military superiority, fear of Russia catching up
What was McCarthyism?
An irrational fear in the US of communists infiltrated in the government and society. This led to trials, lies, people being imprisoned and extreme paranoia.