Development of Nervous system Flashcards
Central nervous system
formed in week 3 as neural plate
neural plate -> neural tube -> brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system
derived from:
- Neural crest cells: peripheral ganglia, Schwann cells, afferent nerve fibers
- Neural tube: preganglionic autonomic fibers, fibers innervating skeletal muscle
- Mesoderm: dura mater, CT around peripheral nerve fibers
Development of neural tube
week 3-4
- Neural plate: thickening of neural ectoderm
- Neural groove: formed by neural plate folding
- Neural fold: fuse in midline, neural crest differentation
- Neural tube: neural folds fuse + separate from surface ectoderm
Neural tube
- cranial part: brain
- caudal part: spinal cord
- cavity: central canal of spinal cord + ventricles
- anterior neuropore: lamina terminalis
- posterior neuropore
Neural crest
gives rise to:
- pseudounipolar ganglion cells (spinal, cranial nerve ggl)
- Schwann cells
- Multipolar ganglion cells (autonomic)
- Leptomeninges
- Chromaffin cells of suprarenal medulla
- Pigment cells
- Odontoblasts
- Skeletal + connective components of pharyngeal arches
- Aorticopulmonary septum of heart
- Parafollicular cells
thickenings of cephalic surface ectoderm
- Lens placode: lens, induced by optic vesicle
- Nasal placode: olfactory nerve, induce formation of olfactory bulb
- Otic placode: organ of Corti, spiral ggl, cristae amullares, maculae utriculi and sacculi, vestibular ggl, vestibulocochlear nerve
Stages of neural tube development: primary brain vesicles
week 4
- proencephalon:otic vesicles, telencephalon+diencephalon
- mesencephalon
- rhombencephalon: metencephalon + myelencephalon
- cephalic flexure
- cervical flexure
Stages of neural tube development: secondary brain vesicles
week 6
- Telencephalon: cerebral hemispheres, olfactory bulb
- Diencephalon
- Mesencephalon: cerebral aqueduct
- Metencephalon: rhomboic lips -> cerebellum, pons
- Myelencephalon: medulla
Cells of neural tube wall
neuroepithelial cells that gives rise to:
- Neuroblasts: neurons in CNS
- Glioblasts:
- macroglia: astrocytes, radial glial cells, oligodendroglia
- ependymal cells: ependymocytes, tanycytes, choroid plexus cells - Microglia
Layers of early neural tube wall
- Spinal cord:
- ventricular zone(neurepith. layer): ependymal cells lining central canal, neurons and glial cells of spinal cord
- intermediate zone(mantle layer): grey matter of spinal cord, alar and basal plates
- marginal zone: white matter of spinal cord - Brain
- ventricular zone: ependymal cells lining ventricles, neurons and glial cells of brain
- intermediate zone: cerebral cortex, basal ganglia
- marginal zone: molecular layer of cortex
- cortex: grey matter of cerebral hemispheres
Alar plate
dorsolateral thickening of intermediate zone of neural tube
gives rise to: sensory neuroblasts of dorsal horn
receives axons -> dorsal roots from dorsal root ganglion
becomes dorsal horn of spinal cord
Basal plate
ventrolateral thickening of intermediate zone of neural tube
gives rise to: motor neuroblasts of ventral and lateral horns
axons exit from spinal cord and form ventral roots
becomes ventral horn of spinal cord
Sulcus limitans
longitudinal groove in lateral wall of neural tube
appears week 4
separates alar ad basal plates
disappears in adult but remains in rhomboid fossa
Position changes of the spinal cord
week 8 spinal cord length = vertebral canal
at birth conus medullaris to L3, in adult L1-L2
disparate growth results in caudal equina + filum terminale
Development of Myelencephalon: Alar plates
Sensory neuroblasts give rise to:
- dorsal column nuclei
- inf. olivary nuclei
- solitary nucleus
- spinal trigeminal nucleus
- cochlear and vestibular nuclei
Development of Myelencephalon: Basal plates
Motor neuroblasts give rise to:
- hypoglossal nucleus
- nucleus ambiguus
- dorsal nucleus of vagal nerve
- inf. salivatory nucleus
Development of Myelencephalon: Roof plate
- forms roof of 4th ventricle
- is the tela choroidea
- invaginated by pal vessels -> choroid plexus
Development of Methencephalon: Pons
- Alar plate sensory neuroblasts:
- solitary nucleus
- vestibular and cochlear nuclei
- spinal and principal trigeminal nuclei
- pontine nuclei - Basal plate motor neuroblasts:
- abducent nucleus
- facial nucleus
- motor trigeminal nucleus
- sup. salivatory nuclei - Base of pons
Development of Methencephalon: Cerebellum
formed by rhombic lips - thickened alar plates cerebellar plates gives rise to: - vermis - cerebellar hemispheres - 3 layer cortex - external granular layer - folia and fissures
Development of Mesencephalon
- Alar plate neuroblasts
- superior and inferior colliculi - Basal plate neuroblasts
- trochlear nuclei
- oculomotor nuclei
- substansia nigra
- red nucleus
- from embryonic roof plate and dorsal parts of alar plates
- gives rise to: pineal body, tela choroidea, choroid plexus of 3rd ventricle
- from alar plates
- gives rise to: thalamic nuclei
- from alar plate and floor plate
- gives rise to: hypothalamic nuclei, mammillary bodies, neurohypophysis
- from alar plates
- gives rise to: neuroblasts -> globes pallidus
- Anterior lobe:
- from Rathke’s pouch - Posterior lobe:
- from ventral evagination of hypothalamus
Development of Autonomic Nervous system
- Sympathetic neurvous system:
- from basal plate of neural tube and neural crest cells - Parasympathetic nervous system:
- from basal plate of neural tube and neural crest cells
Olfactory nerve
- from nasal placode
- mediates smell
- capable of regeneration
Optic nerve
- from ganglion cells of retina
- mediates vision
- does not regenerate after transection
Oculomotor nerve
- from basal plate of rostral midbrain
- ocular motility, pupillary constriction, accommodation
Trochlear nerve
- from basal plate of caudal midbrain
- superior oblique m.
Trigeminal nerve
- motor division from basal plate of rostral pons
- sensory divison from cranial neural crest
- sensory + motor innervation of 1st pharyngeal arch
Abducent nerve
- from basal plate of caudal pons
- abduction of globe
Facial nerve
- motor division from basal plate of pons
- sensory division from cranial neural crest
- sensory + motor innervation of 2nd pharyngeal arch
Vestibulocochlear nerve
- from otic placode
- vestibular - balance and equilibrium
- cochlear - hearing
Glossopharyngeal nerve
- motor division from basal plate of medulla
- sensory division from cranial neural crest
- sensory + motor innervation of 3rd pharyngeal arch
Vagal nerve
- motor division from basal plate of medulla
- sensory division from cranial neural crest
- sensory + motor innervation of 4th and 6th pharyngeal arch
Accessory nerve
- from basal plate of spinal segments C1-6
- sternocleidomastoid m. and trapezius m.
Hypoglossal nerve
- from basal plate of medulla
- intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue
Development of Choroid plexus
- from roof plates of rhombencephalon and diencephalon
Ventral nerve roots
week 4
nerve cells in basal plates of spinal cord
gets collected into bundles
Dorsal nerve roots
originates from dorsal root ganglia
central processes grow into the spinal cord
distal processes join the ventral nerve roots to form spinal nerve
Myelination of nerves
4th month
Schwann cells (from neural crest) myelinated peripheral nerves -> neurilemma sheath
Oligodendroglial cells myelinate nerve fibers in spinal cord
Development of Telencephalon: Cerebral hemispheres
5th week
Bilateral evagination of lateral wall of prosencephalon
Corpus striatum: basal part of hemispheres grow + bulges into lateral ventricle
Choroid plexus: hemisphere wall with single layer of ependymal cells + vascular mesenchyme
Hippocampus: thickening of wall of hemisphere
Development of Telencephalon: Cortex development
from pallidum- paleopallidum + neopallidum
Neopallidum: neuroblasts migrate to subpial position -> mature neurons
Development of Telencephalon: Olfactory bulbs
Olfactory placodes from neural crest cells + ectoderm of frontonasal prominence
Olfactory bulb from neural crest cells + floor of telencephalon
Sensory neurons of nasal epithelium from cells in nasal placodes
Development of Telencephalon: Commissures
Anterior commissure:lamina terminalis
Hippocampal commissure: fibers from hippocampus -> converge on lamina terminalis
Corpus callosum: week 10. Small bundle in lamina terminalis -> expands due to neopallidum
Posterior + habenular
Optic chiasma