development of imperialism (ch. 1) Flashcards
what was vincent harlow’s ‘swing to the east’?
the shift in britain’s imperial priorities — particularly business & political interests in africa and asia.
when was the long depression & what were its effects?
1873 —1896
prices fell, trade slumped, and manufacturers experienced falling profits & investment.
‘cycle of dependency’ ~> britain exploiting africa for resources (coal, iron, timber).
what are some examples of strategic factors that led to colonisation?
- cape colony — had a deep water port & the area protected sea route to middle east, china, australia, & india.
- suez canal (egypt) — 6,000 miles shorter route to india.
- competition with other european powers
- (e.g. response to france was to formalise control and implement claims through charters of RNC, BEAC & BSAC)
how did moral factors open doorways for colonisation?
- methodist missionaries in australia prepared the ground for british rule in fiji.
- john mackenzie put pressure on britain to establish a bechuanaland protectorate.
when & why was british interest revived in egypt?
during american civil war (1861 — 1865)
- british mills were starved of raw cotton & sought the material elsewhere… EGYPT!
companies began investing heavily into egyptian production & the modernising programmes of isma’il pasha.
***** BY 1870, 40% of egypts imports came from britain.
isma’il pasha ?!?’vn
came to power in 1863
- committed to process of modernisation which was initiated by ottoman ruler muhammad ali pasha.
- i. pasha ; irrigation, railways, schools, street lighting, & cutting of suez canal.
DEPOSED IN 1879 💔💔💔
the suez canal — starting up
ferdinand de lesseps
- suez canal company (1858).
- work began in 1859, finished in 1869.
- british initially skeptical about it
suez & britain
:((( canal had an immediate & dramatic effect on world trade — reduced profits of british traders in the cape.
- 1875….. pasha facing increased debts…
looks for buyer…!
💥 PM disraeli buys 44% (£4m) shares. - gives britain greater control over a passage to india &&& income from shipping tariffs.
+ encouraged further interest in egypt !
anglo-french pressure
.. deposed isma’il :(
tewfiq 🔝🔝
- to improve egypts economy, they imposed taxes on goods & food
- also reduced the army by 2/3s which increased unemployment….. and led to a nationalist rebellion (1879-82) under colonel arabi pasha & fellow army officers.
nationalist rebellion (1879 — 1882)
tewfiq forced to appoint arabi’s allies to gov. positions — anti-european stance provoked british concerns over trade & investment… and… SUEZ 😯😦😧
bombardment of alexandria 1882
- PM gladstone intervene & british naval forces sent…
> destroyed residential areas
> killed hundreds of civilians
> reduced its defensive forts
british commander in chief wolseley able to secure suez canal with british forces & defeated arabi’s forces at tel el-kebir… !!!
tewfiq & baring 🤍
tewfiq ;
- installed as puppet ruler (act directed by his master).
- forced to create a gov. amenable to britain, employ british military personal to supervise his army, & rely on british advisors….
baring ;
- consul-general (speaks on behalf of britain)
- effectively ruled from behind egyptian ministers , aided by english administrators
convention of london (1885)
secured an international loan for the egyptian government confirmed british influence — egypt now a client state (or, veiled protectorate)
^^^ indirect control — “equal sovereignty” mmmm not rlly!
colonel gordon & egypt
sent to egypt (on behalf of khedive!) to act as governer-general — 1877 - 1880.
- british administrators faced opposition from sudanese-islamic cleric muhammad ahmad
> june 1881, proclaimed himself mahdi or… saviour of mankind…!
long-term hostility + recent resentment of british influence = unhappy sudan
- political movement transformed into a ‘jihadist’ army
> sought to liberate sudan from external rule .
mahdist rising
1882 : complete control over area surrounding khartoum
- 1883 ; joint british-egyptian expedition under command of colonel hicks launched a counter-attack
> hicks 🪦
- 1884 : gladstone orders gordon to evacuate both british & egyptian troops.
- jan 1885 ; troops are overrun — entire garrison killed & gordon beheaded.