Development Dynamics Flashcards
HDI Rating Factors
Uses economic and social factors. It’s between 0 and 1.
- Literacy Rate
- Years in Education
- GDP per capita
- Life Expectancy
World systems and cultures becoming more integrated.
- More access to mobile phones.
- Transport improvements like airports or high speed trains.
Effects of Governance
Free Trade - Governments increase globalisation by promoting free trade.
Investment - Governments compete to attract TNC investment as TNCs can bring jobs and increase income from taxes.
GNI includes income from overseas. GDP is just domestic.
Features of Developing Countries
- High fertility and birth rate as there is less access to contraception. Also as healthcare is poor, many infants die.
- Life Expectancy is low (few people reach old age)
- Wide Base at Population Pyramid. Rapidly narrows.
Features of Developed Countries
- Low fertility rate due to dependant elderly relatives. Kids too expensive.
- Death rate low and life expectancy high due to good healthcare.
- More older people (potential ageing population).
- Wide top of Population Pyramid. Base gets narrower. Middle bulges out.
Causes of Global Inequality
Climate : Means not much food can grow. Reduces food produced and can lead to malnutrition. Less crops to sell so less disposable income.
Health : Some poorer countries have a lack of clean water and poor healthcare. Means many suffer from waterborne diseases.
These ill people are less able to work and contribute less to the economy so less money to spend on development.
Economic + Political : Corrupt governments can hinder development by taking money thats meant for improving facilities.
Countries with good international relations are more likely to get good trade agreements. May get loans for development projects.
Colonisation : Colonised countries had raw materials and recourses removed to be sold back as expensive products. Bad for African development as made parts of Africa dependant on Europe
Led to famine and malnutrition.
Global Inequality Def
Unequal distribution of recourses.