Development Appraisals Flashcards
What is CIL?
・Charge set on new developments by local authorities to fund the local infrastructure required to support it e.g schools & transport - calculated on additional sq ft at the LA rate
What is S106?
・Negotiated between LA and developers to enter into legally binding agreements or planning obligations as part of granting the planning permission - afforsable housing, providing something back
What are the differences between CIL and S106?
・CIL is a charge is which is paid - based on LA rate and additional sq ft
・S106 is a planning obligation for those applications which will cause a significant impact - open space, affordable housing
How can a development appraisal be used in valuing developments?
・Can be used to establish GDV, costs and profitability / viability of a scheme
What is a Monte Carlo simulation?
・A technique for measuring the impact of one or more variables on the outcome of a valuation
What is a sensitivity analysis?
・Changing varaibles such as costs, GDV or finance by % rates in order to see the impact this has on either land value or profitability
What is a sensitivity analysis?
・Changing varaibles such as costs, GDV or finance by % rates in order to see the impact this has on either land value or profitability
How do you carry out a sensitivity analysis?
By changing variables and seeing the outcome this has on the output
In a sensitivity, What variables might you change and why?
・Build costs, finance, GDV
Tell me about your understanding of incorporating affordable housing into development appraisals.
・Affordable housing must be included for developments over 10 dwellings - AR or SO.
・ Usually inputted as a % of MV
What is an S curve?
・Illustrates typical way that finance is drawn down over time for a development project
・Little at the start, most at the middle, little at the end
What sources of information do you use when undertaking a development appraisal?
・GDV - Rightmove Plus, agent verification
・Costs - BCIS or quanitity surveyor’s report
How do you calculate GDV/NDV/finance costs/project costs/project timescales etc?
・GDV = Value of completed development
・NDV = Value of completed development - sale costs
・Finance Costs = Typically on half build costs for construction period, on construction and finance for void period
・Project costs = Professional fees (10%), purchaser costs (5%)
・Project timescales = planning (6 months), construction (9-18 months), void (6-9 months)
How do you calculate developer’s profit?
・GDV - Costs + Land Value = Profit
What other metrics can you produce from a development appraisal?
・Profit as a % of GDV or Costs
What is the difference between a residual valuation and a development appraisal?
・RLV - Used to calculate the residual value
・DA - Used to calcuate profit output
Tell me about software you have used.
Give me a limitation of a piece of software you have used.
KEL - often the finance costs can be more expensive than would be anticipated
What is profit on cost/profit on GDV?
・% of profit metric on cost or GDV - often used by developers as a measurement of performance for a proposed development
What is internal rate of return?
・Metric used to estimate profitability of potential investments / developments
What is viability?
Investigating whether something will survive - will a development make sense financially
What is a Financial Viability Assessment (FVA)?
・Evaluate the financial health of a development - ensure that It won’t lose money
Why would an FVA be carried out?
Developers often use FVAs to challenge the level of affordable housing imposed by the LA
What are the key viability benchmarks?