Development and Eruption of the Primary and Permanent Flashcards
________; Anomalies of number occur during this phase
• Supernumerary teeth
• Congenital tooth absence
• Initiation:
________; Anomalies of number occur during this phase
• Supernumerary teeth
• Congenital tooth absence
• Initiation:
Are supernumerary teeth more common in males or females?
Syndromes with \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Apert Cleidocranial Dysplasia Gardner syndrome Crouzon's Disease Down Syndrome Hallerman- Strief
supernumerary teeth
Is hypodontia more common in primary or permanent teeth?
Conditions with _______:
Ectodermal Dysplasia
Chondroectodermal Dysplasia
Ellis-van Creveld
Conditions with \_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Ectodermal dysplasia Chondroectodermal dysplasia Hemifacial microsomia Down syndrome Crouzon's
Conditions with: • Hemifacial hypertrophy • Crouzon's • Otodental syndrome
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: incidence 0.5%, more in primary dentition • Bifid crown with single root and pulp chamber • Familial inheritance, may impede eruption of permanent tooth, dx by counting crowns
• Gemination –
1-7.7% rare in African Americans, maxillary lateral most often, both dentitions, etiology is invagination of inner enamel epithelium, clinical significance is caries related
• Dens in dente (Invaginatus):
• Incidence – 1-4%, caused by evagination of enamel
epithelium focal hyperplasia of pulp mesenchyme
• Significance – pulp tissue in cusp may complicate
Dents evaginatus – Talon Cusp
Failure of proper invagination of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath; incidence - .54-5.6%, higher in patients with hypophosphatemic rickets Syndromes – Klinefelter, Trichodento-osseous, Orofacialdigital, Ectodermal dysplasia, Amelogenesis imperfecta Type IV, Down
• Usually due to trauma in
primary dentition
• Lamellar ichthyosis –
syndrome associated
• Inherited defect with multiple patterns such as X-linked, Autosomal dominant or recessive • Incidence variable from 1:14,000 to 1:4000 • 4 major types with 14 subgroups • Distinguished from other enamel defects because of inheritance and no syndrome or systemic disease
• Amelogenesis Imperfecta
Heritable defect of predentin matrix;normal mantle dentin Incidence 1:8000 Shields Type I – occurs with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Shields Type II – “opalescent dentin”, occurs alone, both dentitions affected Shields Type III – most severe with several variants
Anomalies of __________:
• Dentin dysplasia – Shields type I and II
• Regional odontodysplasia – “ghost teeth”
• Other conditions associated with dentin abnormalities –
vit-D resistant Rickets, hypoparathyroidism, Albright’s,
Ehlers-Danlos, Epidermolysis Bullosa, Osteogenesis
Anomalies of ________:
• Hypercementosis
• Hypophosphotasia:
Apposition -
_________– prevalence is 4-70%
from European studies
• Possible problem with ameloblast function after full
matrix completion
• May be associated with febrile illness, antibiotics,
nutritional deficiencies, preterm birth
• Hypomineralized first molars
What is the pattern of eruption for primary teeth generally?
• Mineralization begins at the ___ month of fetal
4th month (2nd trimester)
• Epstein’s pearls –palatal
• Self-limiting without
Inclusion cysts
Buccal and lingual aspect of alveolus Most likely ectopic mucous glands No tx indicated
Bohn’s Nodules
- Crest of the alveolus
* Remnants of dental lamina
Dental Lamina Cysts
• Natal at birth/neonatal within first 30 days • Most are actual primary tooth • May be associated with syndrome • May need to extract if aspiration risk or malformed
• Traumatic ulceration
from feeding
• May need to treat
alleviate discomfort
Traumatic ulceration: Riga Fede disease
• Bluish Swelling • Asymptomatic • Treatment is indicated when eating is impaired, or pain is present • Cam be associated with primary or permanent teeth • Take a radiograph to verify tooth position
Eruption Hematoma
• Evaluate marginal ridges in the mouth and on the radiograph • May need to intervene and remove the tooth • Monitor with primary 1st molars • Be sure there is a successor
Ankylosed or submerged teeth
Occurs when a tooth erupts outside of the typical path of eruption
Ectopic eruption
• Somewhat controversial among practitioners • Other professionals perform these procedures – ENT, Plastic surgeons, Pediatricians • If low tethered frenum impacts nutrition and feeding and/or speech, surgical intervention may be needed
Eruption of the permanent ______ will usually close
the remaining spaces including a midline diastema
if less than approximately 1 mm.