Development and Activation of T cells Flashcards
what do T cell receptors recognise?
- internal epitopes buried within a pathogenic molecule
- only exposed when the pathogen infects a cell or taken up by an APC and processed and peptides made
how many TcRs does a T cell express?
up to 30, 000 TcRs
- these TcRs on a T cell will be specific for the same peptide
when do TcRs rearrange?
only rearrange during development in the thymus
what are the 2 types of T cell receptors?
alphaBeta TcR
gammaDelta TcR
what is the alphaBeta TcR?
- predominant T cells circulating in your blood
- found in the blood and secondary lymphoid tissues
- role clearly defined
- CD = helper
- CD8 = killers
- MHC restricted
what is the gammaDelta TcR?
- minor population of T cells
- found pre-dominantly in the epidermis and epithelia of reproductive and intestinal tract
- role not clear
- may not be MHC restricted
what is the structure of the alphaBeta TcR?
- heterodimer
- a chain linked to the aB chain
- hyper variable region at the top
- constant region below
- have transmembrane regions and small cytoplasmic region
- have a hinge just above the transmembrane region
what does the hinge region in the aB TcR provide?
gives the B cell flexibility
why is the aB TcR described as MHC restricted?
TcR must bind to both the MHC molecule and the peptide
how does the aB TcR align diagonally over the peptide MHC molecule?
- TcR a chain lies over the a2 domain of MHC I and the amino terminal of the peptide
- TcR B chain lies over the a1 domain of MHCI and COOH terminal of the peptide
- HV regions of both TcR chains meet over the central amino acids of the peptide
- trying to wrap itself around the whole of peptide-MHC complex and make contacts
why does the HV region of aB TcR have flexibility?
- makes the TcR specific for one peptide, can reshape subtly to enable contact with another peptide
- can twist and reform to form interactions
- induced fit
how does the aB TcR heavy chain rearrange?
TcR B- heavy chain: V, D and J segments
- D recombines with J and then DJ with V
how does the aB TcR light chain rearrange?
- TcR a - light chain: V and K segments
- V recombines with J
why is there a limited number of constant segments?
- because the TcR solely acts as a receptor
- it is never secreted so it doesn’t need that many of them
what are the key points of TcR rearrangement?
- 23/12 rule
- make a hairpin loop to bring together the segments it wants to recombine
- cut out the intervening sequences (TRECS)
what is the coding sequence?
coded to make the TcR you want
what is the role of Rag1 and Rag2?
facilitates the recombination process
what does the enzyme TdT do?
can add extra nucleotides to the free ends before the DNA ligase fixes everything
- gives junctional diversity
what does recombination require?
open DNA, TcR genes are in open chromatin
what is combinational diversity?
- genetic recombination of a and B chain genes
- mediated by RSS base pair repeats
- mediated by the action of the recombinases RAG1 and RAG2
what could be a result of random rearrangement of TcR genes?
means some receptors form that are incapable of making contact with your own MHC molecules
- may be responsive to your own tissue molecules
what are the two key requirements of a TcR?
- must be able to bind your own MHC otherwise you wont make an immune response to any infections
- mustnt be able to recognise own peptides bound to MHC, you get autoimmunity
what is central tolerance?
- removal of T cells with TcRs that can’t interact with host MHC or that binds host peptide
- occurs in the thymus
- results in T cells that have a receptor for specific non-self molecules
what is the thymus?
- primary lymphoid organs
- T cells develop and are educated
- sits above the heart
- bi-lobed
- age driven atrophy (shrinks with age)
what are the features of T cell development in the thymus?
- pluripotent HSCs transform to CLPs in bone marrow
- CLPs enter the thymus
- signals from thymus commit CLPs to T cell lineage
- committed cells move to the cortex
- only cells that pass negative and positive selection can circulate
what occurs when committed cells move to the cortex?
- undergo positive selection
- move to the medulla
- undergo negative selection
what happens to the vast majority of developing T cells in the thymus?
- most die
- 96-96% of all new thymocytes will die by apoptosis
what are the different stages of T cell development?
- DN
- DP
- SP
- Exit
what is meant by DN?
- double negative
- CD4- and CD8-
what is meant by DP?
- double positive
- CD4+ and CD4+
what is meant by SP?
- single positive:
- CD4- CD8+
- CD4+ CD8-
which chain is rearranged first?
the heavy chain
what are the 4 cells that define the double negative stage?
DN1, DN2, DN3, DN4
what happens as cells move from DN2 to DN3?
- signals in the stroma tell the CLP to start rearranging the segments of the TCR B chain
- TcR B locus rearranges
- goes to the cell surface for a checkpoint
- checks that the B chain can complex with an a chain
- makes a surrogate a chain called pTa
- if it makes a stable interaction thats a positive signal into the cell
what happens in DN4?
- stabilises the TCR B on the cell surfaces - tells the TcR a locus to start rearranging
- triggers upregulation of CD4 and CD8
- now in the double positive stage
what happens in DP?
- TcR a rearranges and replaces the surrogate
- get the complete TcR on the surface
- ready for the first stage of central tolerance
what is positive selection?
- cortex positively selets which developing T cells survive
- important for educating T cells as to your MHC haplotype
- developing DP cells interact with thymic cortical epithelial cells (CTECs)
- CTECs express both MHC I and II and self peptides in the peptide binding cleft
- strength of binding determines fate of developing T cell
what will an unifencted cell carry on their MHCs?
your own peptide
how does the strength of binding determines fate of developing T cell?
- can it hook onto the MHC
- a strong or moder association means the T cell will leave (need to attach for long enough for the T cell assess the peptide)
- weak or no binding means the T cell will die
what happens if the T cells has a stronger connection with MHC I?
will downregulate CD4 and become a CD8+ T cell
what happens if the T cell has a stronger connection with MHC II?
will downregulate CD8 and become a CD4+ T cell
what is the purpose of negative selection?
move to the medulla - removal of T cells that carry a receptor for a self-peptide
what is the process of negative selection?
- mTECs express both MHC and II with self-peptides in the peptide binding cleft
- SP cells bind mTECs and depending on the signal strength they live or die
- SP cells that survive leave the thymus and recirculate
what does autoimmune regulated (AIRE) control?
Tissue Specific Antigen (TSA) expression
what is the role of AIRE and TSA?
- mTECs express AIRE resulting in expression of molecules from our peripheral tissue
- forms peptides of important molecules for negative selection
- high affinity interactions will lead to death of T cell bearing insule specific TCRs
what does defects in AIRE production/activity lead to?
T cell mediated attack of our own tissues
howcome you still get autoimmunity?
central tolerance of B and T cells is not absolute
what has GWAS revealed?
- a series of disease related to SNPs
- DNA sequence variations occuring in the genome
- strong allelic variants associated with autoimmunity are those with MHC
- prevents effect negative selection as the MHC selects self-peptides that can only deliver a weak signal into the TcR
what is a naive T cell?
has a TcR but hasnt encountered its antigen
what is a primed T cell?
encountered the antigen for the first time and becomes activated
what is an effector T cell?
fully activated and differentiated into a cell that damages the pathogen
what is the immunological dilemma?
- receptors on the surface of your cells that might react with your own cells
- 5-10% actually autoreactive and circulate around the body
how does the immune system prevent autoreactive T cells getting into the tissues?
- restricted re-circulation of B and T cells and blood-ignorance of the immune system
- a two signal pathway for activation of naive T cells
- set threshold limits for T cell activation
- special regulatory T cells
what is the role of specialised regulatory T cell?
they seek out rogue immune cells that are attacking your own tissue and have the ability to suppress or kill them
what is peripheral tolerance?
control of autoreactive cells outside the primary lymphoid organs
what is restricted circulation?
- stop a naive T cell from gaining entry to the tissues
- bypasses in the bloodstream
- if it can’t get out the bloodstream it wont recognise the tissue
- restricts them in the bloodstream
- need specialised extravasation
how does the body prevent naive T cells getting to the site of infection?
- extravasation occurs in lymph nodes and spleen but not peripheral tissues unless inflamed
- governed by restricted expression of adhesion molecules and chemokines
- adhesion molecules on naive T cells are different from those on activated T cells
- will change its surface molecules
- named peripheral tolerance
what could be a problem if restricted recirculation fails eg leaky blood vessels?
- every nucleated cells ahve MHC class I, if not infected self-peptide
- APCs and host cells can present to self-peptides
what do T cells need to be fully activated?
they require two signals
what are the two signals required for T cell activation?
- signal ONE; binding of the TcR to peptide MHC it recognises
- signal TWO; binding of CD28 on T cells to costimulatory molecules CD80/CD86 on APCs
what cells have the ability to provide the two signals to T cells?
antigen presenting cells
- your own tissues cant do this
what if the T cell sees the MHC and the peptide and then is activated at another time and goes back and destroys it?
- if it recieves one signal it becomes anergic
- stops it function permanently, completely unresponsiveness for its antigen
other than APCs what else is needed to activate a CD8 T cell?
a CD4 T cell
what can only APCs express?
- costimulatory molecules CD80/CD86
- expression of these molecules on APC is controlled by inflammation
what does inflammation upregulate?
upregulates the number of peptide MHC complexes and costimulatory molecules above the threshold for T cell activation
what happens to T cells when there is no-infection?
- cells die through natural processes
- macrophages & DCs pick up fragments and load onto MHC
- too few MHC peptide complexes and too few co-stimulatory molecules
- APC controls number of complexes on surface based on whether there’s inflammation
what happens to T cells when there is inflammation?
- APC machinery is accelerated
- more and more complexes
- T cell recieves a very strong signal
- inflammation increases production of MHC peptide complexes and costimulatory molecules
what can dampening inflammation lead to?
more susceptibility to infection e.g. steroids
why do T cells need a 3rd signal?
to induce differentiation into an effector: CD4 and CD8
how are T cells activated?
- APC and T cell come together
- want to repel each other
- MHC and TcR hook together
- longer it binds the more powerful the signal
what happens on initial contact between T cell and APC?
- surface molecules are evenly distributed
- if TcR binds there is a positive signal
- there is a reorganisation of all the surface molecules to a central cap
how is there reorganisation of all the surface molecules to a central cap?
- reorganisation of the cytoskeleton
- concentration of key molecules
- called capping
- initiates construction of a complex called the immunological synapse
what is the role of capping?
- creates the immunological synapse
- brings together molecules that initiate TcR signalling
- can’t get T cell activation without the immunological synapse
- exclude CD43 and CD45
- Ig and integrins
why are CD43 and CD45 excluded in capping?
their job is to prevent synapse formation so get pushed away
what is the role of Ig and integrins?
- have a role to make the adherence of the APC and the T cell really tight
- Ig such as ICAM-1
- integrins such as LAF1
what are the properties of the TcR?
- no capacity to signal
- co-expressed alongside the CD3 complex
- CD3 complex has 4 subunits
- CD3 complex tranmsits signal from TcR into the cell
what does TcR bind?
binds MHC and there is a conformational change
- activates CD3 complex which phosphorylates molecules
what is the role of CD3?
- Formation of immunological synapse recruits kinases to CD3
- CD3 complex contains immunoreceptor tyrosine based activational motifs (ITAMs)
- ITAMs phosphorylation by kinases triggers a biochemical cascade
- Phosphorylation of CD28 amplifies the TCR signal
- CD3 chain transmits signals via the TCR by recruitment of kinase Zap-70
what is the role of CD4 (or CD8)?
- CD4 (or CD8) acts as a co-receptor and recruits kinase LcK
* LcK triggers phosphoinositol kinase (PI3K) activity leading to cell proliferation and survival
what is the sum of all the TcR activations?
to induce IL-2
what is interleukin?
growth and survival cytokine for T cells
- cant have an effective immune response without it
why is interleukin so important in the activation of naive T cells?
- naive T cell have low affinity IL-2 receptor
- TcR triggered small amount of IL-2 is produced
what effect does IL-2 have on the TcR?
- triggers upregulated production of the high affinity receptor
- alpha is high affinity
- this means all the T cells in the vicinity suck up IL-2
- results in massive proliferation of T cells
- this is clonal expansion
why do CD8 T cells need CD4 T cell help?
- CD8+ T cells cant produce sufficient quantities of IL-2
- need CD4 T cell help
- without IL-2 the CD8+ T cells will die
- two signal activation also occurs during central tolerance
why do activated T cells need to be switched off?
to prevent damage to the host
how does switching off occur?
occurs following signalling through negative co-stimulatory molecules
what are the key molecules involved switching off activated T cells?
- cytotoxic lymphocyte antigen (CTLA)-4
2. programmed death domain (PD)-1
what is CTLA-4?
- CD28 binds to CD80/CD86 kinases and amplification of positive signals
- Cytoplasmic tail of CDTLA-4 has an immunoreceptor tyrosine based inhibitory motif (ITIM)
what is ITIM?
- Recruits phosphatases to the receptor complex
- This de-phosphorylates key molecules in T cell activation
what is PD-1?
- PDL-2 on APC
- PDL-1 on peripheral tissue switch T cells off that have got into our tissue
- PD1 has a cytoplasmic ITIM and dephosphorylates key molecules
- Mutations of CTLA-4 or PD-1 results in an autoimmune attack on our own tissues