Development Flashcards
Skeletal muscle develops from
Paraxial mesoderm, head and some neck muscles originate from head mesoderm
Somites form the myoblasts that eventually form the body wall
Somites- way the embryo can temporarily hold together a group of precursor cell that form a specific structure in a specific place, temporary staging platform, they are transient structures
outer portion of the somite looks epithelial, 1st set of signals on that somite divide it into a dorsal part (stays epithelial) and a ventral part (scatters into dots)
The area around the somite (notochord and neural tube) signal
layer of cells migrate beneath it to form a red layer that becomes the myotome (from these ccells we get skeletal muscle precursors)
Embryonic origin
Paraxial mesoderm receives signal from developing neural tube and notochord to migrate, these precursors stay in the area
Primaxial muscle domain (muscle attach to scleratome-derived bones), the muscles that form the medial border of the myotome near the forming vertebral comlumn (intrinsic back, intercostals, prevertebral muscles
Abaxial muscle domain (other signals come from the lateral mesoderm that influence the lateral portion of the myotome, these will form muscle of venterolateral abdominal wall and limbs)
Skeletal muscle formation
Dorsomedial edge and lip of the dermomyotome are myogenic, medial cells are associated with vertebral comlumn and ribs
The middle becomes the dermis of the back,
Late group of cells come out before dermis precursors fully form (satellite cells, located between BM and membrane of skeletal muscle cells)
secrete adhesive glycoprotein that allow them to fuse and form tubular cylindrical structure called the myotube (precursor to mature fiber)
Development events: gene expression (genes sets that turn on progressively, facilitate single cell to multinucleated myofiber transition. Muscle cell secretes actin and myosin which organize into filaments (differentiated muscle cell (muscle fiber) form)
All of this controlled be series of genes
Definitive muscles from pre muscle masses
change in fiber direction (myotomes form flat sheets and are oriented like our hands in pockets)
Fusion of adjacent myotomes (most muscle) longitudinal splitting, tangental splitting into layers, atrophy of a part
Spinal nerves innervate somite derived skeletal muscles of trunk and limbs
Dorsal primary rami–> epaxial muscles ( as spinal nerve comes out, it branches to two divisions, dorsal and ventral rami. Innervate the muscles of the back which have remained close to the general area of generation)
Ventral primary ramus–> limb and ventral body wall hypaxial muscles
by week 8 muscles have formed and located close to final position in the body
Absense of a muscle or part of muscle
Part of syndrome, usually unilateral
Poland sequence: absence of pec maj and minor (subQ fat and axillary hair deficiency, possible hypoplastic rib cage, lateral displaced, absent nipple, also some upper limb issues ( shorter segments, syndactly webs and brachydactylyl short), more common on right side
Prune belly syndrome: absense of ab muscles, undescended testicles, bladder and urinary tract defects, prenatal fluid accumulation in lower abdomen cause issues with development and muscle degeneration, after birth–> abdominal distention is reduced causing skin wrinkling–> hense Prune belly, almost exclusive to males
abnormal formation of sternocleidomastoid muscle, causes neck to shift to one side, congenital or acquired (birth injury via forceps delivery, secondary to infection or trauma to SCM), congenital cases have additional hip dysplasia usually right side is more affected
Progenitor tissue of skeletal tissue
Epithelial mesenchymal interactions are involved in sk tissue formation
Primary progenitor=mesenchyme comes from mesoderm or in the head and neck ectodermal neural crest
In the trunk: mesenchyme of skeletal comes from paraxial mesoderm (somites), and somatic mesoderm (lateral mesoderm). In the head (neural crest- ectomesenchyme), head mesoderm unsegmented paraxial mesoderm
master genes
Bone–> Runx2 (CBFA1B) gene–> osteoblasts, bone formation can be direct via intramembranous ossification. Most bone is made via endochondral ossification (starts from the middle of the cartilage model)
Cartilage–> sox 9 –> chondroblasts (form chondrification centers, both master genes are Tx factors that activate expression of other genes that facilitate bone or cartilage formation (genes ate Not patterning genes)
Development of supporting tissue is a multi step process
1st step of skeletal tissue formation –>condensation of preskeletal mesenchyme
Then signals turn on master genes: Epithelial mesenchymal interactions are usually involved in support tissue formation
AER/mesenchyme-limb, Neural tube/mesenchyme-skull,vertebrae, notochord mesenchy-skull vertebrae
Vitamin D action in Ca homeostasis and bone formation
Critical in bone and cartilage formation, Vit D increases intestinal absorption. Highest requirement in life are in pregnancy for infant and in puberty
Ossification centers
Areas in skeletal primordium where ossification begins:
Primary ossification center: initial center to appear (shaft of long bone, center of flat bone, appears at 7 weeks, bone may have one or more ossification centers
Secondary ossification center: appear in perinatal, post natal or post pubertal period. Located at the epiphysis of long bones, heads of ribs, these close in the 20s to 30s (under hormonal control of maturation estrogen, thyroid hormone)
Bone age= amount of epiphyseal cartilage retained (comparison of bone and chronological age=measuer of skeletal grwoth and maturation)
Generalized skeletal dysplasia
Mucopolysaccharidoses: storage deefect in synthesis, storage, or transport of some lysosomal enzyme–> substrate accumulation. Autosomal recessive–> results in bone formation defects–> irregularities and dwarfism
Marfans syndrome
Growth hormone: increase-> Gigantism, decreased: Pituitary infantilism
Thyroid hormone: decreased-> cretenism dwarf
Achodroplasia: type of chondrodystrophia autosomal dominant, failure of endochondral ossification and interference w/ epiphyseal plate development. Trunk is normal but limbs are short (bow leggedness seen), associated w/fibroblast growth factor receptor 3
Osteopetrosis: Osteoclast disease, these fail to resorb bone tissue, fudgeing over bone remodeling and modeling, vitamin D3 supplementation helps
Osteogenesis imperfecta: defect in type 1 collagen gene autosomal dominant usually, multiple fractures and other issues