Development Flashcards
Identify developmental milestones in key areas and recognise developmental delay
No head lag pulling to sit
Gross Motor 3/12
Fine Motor and Vision 9/12
Using index finger to point; Picks up tiny objects between thumb and hand
Fine Motor and Vision 36/12 (3 years)
Builds tower of 9-10 bricks; Copies circle; Cuts with scissors
Follows torch with eyes
Fine Motor and Vision 6/52
Gross Motor 6/52
Head control in vertical
Build tower of 3-4 bricks; Hand preference; Enjoys picture books
Fine Motor and Vision 18/12
Language and Hearing 24/12 (2 years)
50+ words; Joins 2 words; Talks to self; Understands simple instructions
5-20 words; Points to body parts
Language and Hearing 18/12
Fine Motor and Vision 18/12
Build tower of 3-4 bricks; Hand preference; Enjoys picture books
Transfers objects hand to hand; Palmar grasp; Mouths objects
Fine Motor and Vision 6/12
Gross Motor 3/12
No head lag pulling to sit
Knows own name and gender; Asks a lot of questions; Carries on simple conversation; Understands prepositions
Language and Hearing 36/12 (3 years)
Language and Hearing 9/12
Localises sound consistently; Polysyllabic babble (ahgahahgah); Imitates sounds
Social and Play 3/12
Reacts pleasurably to familiar situations
Gross Motor 48/12 (4 years)
Runs up and down stairs; Can kick, throw and catch ball; Hops on preferred foot
Gross Motor 18/12
Runs; Climbs onto adult chair
Fine Motor and Vision 6/12
Transfers objects hand to hand; Palmar grasp; Mouths objects
Gross Motor 12/12
Cruises around furniture; May take first step
Language and Hearing 3/12
Vocalises with familiar person; Laughs and coos
Gross Motor 36/12 (3 years)
Up stairs with alternating feet; Stands on one foot momentarily; Pedals trike
Feeds with spoon; Imitates adult activities e.g. sweeping
Social and Play 18/12
Social and Play 24/12 (2 years)
Puts on hat and shoes; Developing symbolic play e.g. feeding teddy
Neat fine pincer grip; Bangs toys together; Casting toys
Fine Motor and Vision 12/12
Recounts stories of recent experiences; Sentences of 5+ words; Counts to 20
Language and Hearing 48/12 (4 years)
Dresses and undresses (except laces); Understands concept of turn taking
Social and Play 48/12 (4 years)
50+ words; Joins 2 words; Talks to self; Understands simple instructions
Language and Hearing 24/12 (2 years)
Gross Motor 24/12 (2 years)
Ascends and descends stairs 2 feet per tread; can throw ball overhand
Fine Motor and Vision 12/12
Neat fine pincer grip; Bangs toys together; Casting toys