Development Flashcards
What is measured by an APGAR score?
When is it measured?
All rated from 0-2, maximum score of 10. Measured at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth.
At what APGAR scores do you perform interventions, and what do you do?
> 7 = good
4-6 = assist and stimulate
< 4 = resuscitate.
If Apgar score remains < 4 at later time points there is an increased risk that the child will develop long-term neurological damage
What weight defines low birth weight?
What are the two major causes?
< 2500g
Prematurity and intrauterine growth retardation major causes.
What are problems with low birth weight and complications?
Increased risk of SIDS and overall mortality.
Impaired thermoregulation and immune function, hypoglycemia, polycythemia, impaired neurocognitive/emotional development.
Complications: Infections, respiratory distress syndrome, necrotizing enterocolitis, intraventricular hemorrhage, persistent fetal circulation.
What are the three major spheres of development?
What should you do if Children do not meet developmental milestones?
Three spheres: Motor, social, verbal/cognitive.
Milestones are approximated and vary by source.
If children aren’t meeting them, they may need assessment for potential developmental delay.
What ages define infancy, toddlerhood, and preschool age?
Infant: 0-12 months
Toddler: 12-36 months
Preschool: 3-5 years.
What are the motor developmental milestones for infants (0-12 months)?
Primitive reflexes disappear: Moro (by 3 mo), rooting (by 4 mo), palmar (by 6 mo), Babinski (by 12 mo)
Posture: Lifts head up prone (by 1 mo), rolls and sits (by 6 mo), crawls (by 8 mo), stands (by 10 mo), walks (by 12-18 mo)
Picks: Passes toys hand to hand (by 6 mo), Pincer grasp (by 10 mo)
Points to objects (by 12 mo)
“Parents Start Observing
Child Rearing Working
Don’t Forget, they’re still Learning!”
What are the social developmental milestones for infants?
Social smile (by 2 mo)
Stranger anxiety (by 6 mo)
Separation anxiety (by 9 mo)
“Parents Start Observing
Child Rearing Working
Don’t Forget, they’re still Learning!”
What are verbal/cognitive milestones for infants?
Orients - first to voice (by 4 mo) then by name and gestures (by 9 mo)
Object permanence (by 9 mo)
Oratory - says “mama” and “dada” by 10 mo)
“Parents Start Observing
Child Rearing Working
Don’t Forget, they’re still Learning!”
What are the motor milestones for toddlers (12-36 months)
Climbs stairs (by 18 mo)
Cubes stacked - number = age (yr) x 3
Cultured - feeds self with fork and spoon (by 20 mo)
Kicks ball (by 24 mo)
“Parents Start Observing
Child Rearing Working
Don’t Forget, they’re still Learning!”
What are social developmental milestones for toddlers?
Recreation - parallel play (by 12 mo)
Rapprochement - moves away from and returns to mother (by 24 mo)
Realization - core gender identify formed (by 36 mo)
“Parents Start Observing
Child Rearing Working
Don’t Forget, they’re still Learning!”
What are verbal/cognitive developmental milestones for toddlers?
Words - 200 words by age 2 (2 zeroes), 2-word sentences.
“Parents Start Observing
Child Rearing Working
Don’t Forget, they’re still Learning!”
What are motor developmental milestones for preschoolers (3-5 yr)
Drive - tricycle (3 wheels at 3 yr)
Drawings - copies line or circle, stick figure (by 4 yrs)
Dexterity - hops on one foot (by 4 yr), uses buttons or zippers, grooms self (by 5 yr)
“Parents Start Observing
Child Rearing Working
Don’t Forget, they’re still Learning!”
What are social developmental milestones for preschoolers?
Freedom - comfortably spends part of day away from mother (by 3 yr)
Friends - cooperative play, has imaginary friends (by 4 yr)
“Parents Start Observing
Child Rearing Working
Don’t Forget, they’re still Learning!”
What are verbal/cognitive developmental milestones for preschoolers?
Language - 1000 words by age 3 (3 zeroes), uses complete esentence and prepositions (by 4 yr)
Legends - can tell detailed stories (by 4 yr)
“Parents Start Observing
Child Rearing Working
Don’t Forget, they’re still Learning!”