Development 1949-1963 Flashcards
Events in Asia
When and what happened?
Why was this concern to US?
How did US react to events in Korea and Vietnam and why did this cause tension?
What did the SU do that shows it felt tension at western/ US actions?
I: China Korea and Vietnam taken over by communism.
D: China: 1949 Mao seized power.
Korea: 1950 Kim Il Sung took control in North Korea and then invaded South Korea.
Vietnam: 1960 Ho Chi Min established communist control in north Vietnam then attacks south Vietnam.
E:USA thinks there’s a domino effect in Eastern Europe, Italy, France, Medeteranian, turkey, Greece and now its spreading to Asia. USA scared of domino effect.
A: Through UN, USA tried to push away North Korea through military intervention. USA financial assistant, military training then military intervention for Vietnam to fight against North Vietnam Vietcong
Western world using force to fight against communism. Shows SU feels tension because Stalin is pumping money into nuclear weapons for the arms race (intercontinental ballistic missiles)
Warsaw Pact formation
Hungarian Uprising
When and what was it?
Why were Hungarians unhappy?
What aspect of Nagy’s reforms caused Khrushchev concern and how did he react?
Why did the allies not intervene and what did this show?
I+D: 1956 students protesting for greater freedoms, civil rights, withdrawal of soviet troops, removal of hard line Rákosi. In response to demands Nagy took control. Reforms: greater freedom, civil rights, withdrawal of troops.
E: The Hungarians unhappy because lots of oppressive secret police control. Unhappy about hard line Rákosi. Unhappy that leaders of Catholic Church were arrested. They thought destalinisation would make change.
A: Nagy said he was going to pull Hungary out of the. Warsaw Pact. Khrushchev sent tanks in to overpower Hungarians. Thousands killed, Nagy replaced by Kádár. Shows that Khrushchev still wanted to keep Soviet sphere of control. He’s not willing to have security of soviet bloc threatened. Undermines peaceful co-existence.
Allies didn’t intervene because they didn’t want to risk a war. Only prepared to fight against communism when it doesn’t involve Soviet Union. Distracted by Suez Crisis in Egypt.
Berlin Wall
When and what was it?
Why was the wall constructed?
What were the effects of the wall and why did this cause tension?
I+D: 13th August 1961 East German troops closed border and stopped anyone from crossing.
E: Wall was constructed to stop educated people leaving East Berlin. Stop East Berliners seeing what life was like in West Berlin.
A: Separated families, friends and couples. West Berlin wasn’t under communism so had a better quality of life than those in East Berlin who were under soviet control.
The Soviet’s built the wall in what would be the middle of the night f9e Americans and so Kennedy wasn’t told until mid- morning the next day. The USA sent an official letter of complaint to Moscow but nothing more because East Berlin wasn’t worth the war. The Berlin Wall was a symbol of division between East and West and would have therefore increase tension and anger between America and Soviet.
When was Berlin Wall
When was NATO formed?
When was Warsaw Pact formed?
When was space race?
1950- 1970
When was arms race?
1945 USA developed first nuclear weapon.
1961 Cuban Missile Crisis
Hungarian uprising
When was U2 crisis
1 May 1960
Paris peace summit
Just over a week after U2 Crisis: 1960
Khrushchev refused to attend
When was Berlin Wall
When was Bay of Pigs
Cuban exiles landed on beach 17th April 1961.
When was Cuban Missile Crisis?
When was Korean War?
Tensions on North Korean Peninsula
After it was agreed to split Korea at Potsdam, Kim Il Sung, a soviet trained politician became the leader of North Korea. While Syngman Rhee, a determined anti-communist was backed by USA and called for their help in overthrowing North Korea. Kim began sending raiding parties across the border to try undermine the southern government. Both wanted to unite Korea under their leadership.
International involvement in the Korean War.
In March 1949 Kim asked Stalin to support the North’s invasion of South Korea. Stalin wouldn’t directly fight the 7500 US troops but agreed to provide weapons and equipment. In June 1950 North Korean troops invaded the south.
How the UN were involved in Korean War
When the invasion began, the US asked the UN to call for a ceasefire and they voted for the withdrawal of North Korean troops. At the time the USSR was boycotting (because most countries were unwilling to recognise Mao’s government in China) the UN so couldn’t block the decision. With the UN’s support, the US sent troops to support Rhee and couldn’t be accused of acting on its own.
Consequences of Korean War
The Korean War demonstrated the US’s commitment to containing communism and the power they had within the UN. It also showed that both the US and USSR didn’t want to risk full military engagement with the other due to the nuclear weapons they both had.
When and what was the Hungarian uprising? Who took over and what were his reforms?
Students protesting for greater freedoms, civil rights, withdrawal of soviet troops and removal of hard line Rákosi.
In response to demands Nagy took control and his reforms were greater freedoms, civil rights and withdrawal of troops.
Why were the Hungarians unhappy?
They were unhappy with the oppressive secret police control; hard line Rákosi; and they were unhappy that the leaders of the Catholic Church were arrested.
They thought that desalinisation would make a change.
What aspect of Nagy’s reforms caused Khrushchev concern and how did he react?
Nagy said he was going to pull Hungary out of the Warsaw Pact. So Khrushchev sent tanks in to overpower the Hungarians: thousands were killed and Nagy was replaced by Kádár.
These actions of Khrushchev show that he wanted to keep the soviet sphere of control and wasn’t willing to have the security of the soviet bloc threatened. This undermines peaceful co-existence
Why did the allies not intervene in the Hungarian rising and what did this potentially show?
The allies (USA) didn’t want to intervene because they didn’t want to risk a war. They were only prepared to fight against communism when it didn’t involve the Soviet Union. The USA were distracted by the Suez Crisis in Egypt.