Development Flashcards
Gross Motor development at 6 weeks
- Head lag still present when pulling from supine position.
- when held in ventral suspension, head can be held in same plane as body
Fine motor development at 6 weeks
- Maintain Fixation
- Follow an object through 90 degrees in horizontal plane.
Language and hearing dev. at 6 weeks
- Throaty noises
- Startle at loud or unexpected sounds.
if he didn’t startle, refer to audiologist
Social development at 6 weeks
he smiles in response to adequate stimuli
Gross Motor development at 3 months
- steady head
- raise head and hand on forearms (hands at 5 months)
- Rolling (prone->supine) 3-4m
Fine motor development at 3 months
- Fix and follow object through 180 degree in horizontal plane
- Hands begin to be brought to midline
- Attempts to make contact with offered object.
When do baby starts to produce vowel sounds and turn head to sound?
3 months
Language and hearing dev. at 3 months
- Vowel sounds & noises uttered on social contact
- Turn head to sound
Social development at 3 months
- social smile
- displeasure on interruption of social contact
When baby can roll over?
From Prone to supine: 3 months
From Supine to prone: 5-6 months
gross motor development at 6 months
- Rolling from supine to prone (5-6m)
- sitts briefly or with little support
When does the baby start to transfer from one hand to another?
6 months
Fine motor dev. at 6 months.
- transfer from one hand to another
- Reaching out for objects
- Mouthing
Language and hearing dev. at 6 months
- unintelligible babble.
- turn when name is called (dada)
when can the baby holds his own bottle when fed?
6 months
Social dev. at 6 months
- plays with feet
- holds onto bottle when fed
- plays peekaboo (6m»9m)
When can baby sit steedly?
9 months
*(baby can sit briefly or w/ support at 6 m)
When can baby stands holding into objects?
9 months
Gross motor development at 9 months
- sits steadly
- pivots to reach for objects
- stands holding on objects
- crawls (9 m->1 y)
When baby starts crawling?
9 months to 1 year
Fine motor development at 9 months?
- Object premenance
- Pokes objects with index finger
- immature pincer grasp
When does baby start to unerstand the word NO?
9 months
Hearing Development at 9 months
- shouts to gain attention
- understand NO
- two-syllable babble
When does baby start finger feed?
9 months
Social development at 9 months?
- finger feed
- resist when object removed
When do baby start pull to stand
1 year
*(he starts stand holding onto an object by 9 months)
When Can the baby walk supported (cruising)
1 year
What fine motor developement that a 1year old has?
- Mature Pincer grasp -> if he has a problem refer to occupation therapist.
- Banging bricks together.
When can your baby responds when u say to him “give it to me”
1 year
When can your baby start to make 2 words with meaning?
1 year
When can your baby wave bye-bye?
1 year
When can your baby clap his hands?
1 year
Social development of 1 year old baby?
- Waves bye-bye
- Claps hands
- empties cupboards
Walking development of the baby?
- Crawling: 9m to 1 year
- Walks supported (cruising): 1 year
- Walking well: 15 months
- running stiffly/climb furinture: 2-2.5 y
- running smoothly: 3 years
Fine motor Development at 15 months
- Pincer grasp refined (tiny objects can be picked up delicately
- build a tower of 2 bricks
Pincer grasp development
- Mature pincer grasp: 1 year
- Refined pincer grasp: 15 months
- Delicate pincer grasp: 18 months
Development of playing with bricks
- bang bricks together: 1 year
- build tower of 2 bricks: 15 months
- build a tower of 3-4 bricks: 18 months
- build a tower of 6 bricks: 2-2.5 years
Word making development
- Throaty noises: 6 weeks
- Vowel sounds and noises: 3 months
- Unintelligible babble: 6 months
- Two syllable babble: 9 months
- Two words w/ meaning: 1 year
- Expressions of several words: 15 months
- Expression of 25-50 words: 18 months
- Use pleurals - ask why &where: 2-2.5 y
- 3 to 4 words sentences: 3 years
- Name/age/sex/tell stories: 3 years
- Count to 10: 4 years
- comprehension/ definition of words: 5y
Language development at age of 15 months
- Expression of several words
- Understands several words
- Echolalia
When does the baby drinks with a cup and indicates wants w/o crying
15 months
18 months gross motor dev.
- stoops & retrieves objects
- Carries toys while walking
- going stair up 2 feet/step
Fine motor development at age of 18 months
- Hand dominance
- delicate pincer grasp
- scribbles
- build a tower of 3-4 bricks
- through a ball without falling
When can baby start to scribble and through a ball w/o falling?
18 months
When can baby starts to point to parts of his body
- 3 parts: 1.5 years
- 5 parts: 2 years
When baby knows object by name (like: cat)
18 months
Language development at age of 18 months
- Points to part of his body
- understand up to 50 words
- know common objects by name like cat
- follow one step command
- expression of 25-50 words
When can baby hold spoon and get food into mouth?
18 months
when can baby get off shoes and socks on his own
18 months
When can baby indicatess toilet needs?
18 months
Toilet usage development
- Indicate toilet needs: 1.5 y
- goes to toilet in the day: 3-3.5 y
- goes to toilet in his own: 3.5 y
- goes to toilet in day & night: 4-4.5 y
Stairs climbing development
- 18 months: going stairs up 2 feet/step
- 2-2.5y: going up & down stairs 2 feet/step.
- 3 year: going up stairs 1 feet/step & down 2 feet/step.
- 4 year: going up stairs 1 feet/step & down 1 feet/step.
Gross motor at 2-2.5 y
- going up stairs 1 feet/step &
down 2 feet/step. - kicks ball
- climbs furinture
- running stiffly
- stand in tip toe
Fince motor development at age of 2-2.5 y
- copies vertical line
- builds a tower of 6 bricks
- throw a ball overhead without falling
Language skills of a 2-2.5 y old
- Use pleurals
- follow 2 step request
- select toys from others
- at 2.5 -> asks why and where
When can baby eats with spoon and fork
2-2.5 years
When can a baby pedal a tricycle
3 years
Gross motor at 3 years
- pedal a tricycle
- jumps well
- momentarily balance on one foot
- going up stairs 1 feet/step & going down 2 feet/step
- running smoothly
- walk on tip toe
When can a baby use a scissors
3 years
fine motor development at age of 3 years
- copies a circle
- matches 2 colors
- thread large beads
- use scissors
Color Identifing development
3 years: know some colors
4 years: several colors >10
3 years language skills
- knows some colors (3)
- 3 to 4 word sentences
- name/age/sex on request
- pronouns & pleurals
- know more about time/today/not today
- tells stories
3 years social development
- dry by day
- separates from mother easily
- eats with knife and fork
- dresses with supervision
- pretend play
When can your child dresses with supervision
3 year
Stand on one foot development
Momentarily: 3 years
Well: 4 years
jumping development
- jumps well: 3 years
- Hops: 4 years
4 year old gross motor development
- stnad on one foot well
- hops
- going up stairs 1 feet/step & going down 1 feet/step (like adults).
Fine motor development at age of 4 years
- copies cross & square
- thread small beads
Cutlery usage development
- 18 months: hold spoon and get food to mouth
- 2-2.5 y: eats with spoon & fork
- 3 y: eats with knife and fork and use scissors
language skills of 4 years old
- count to 10
- identifies different colors >10
- 100s of questions
- past-tense
Social skills at age of 4 y
- dry by day and night
- share toys
- brush his teeth
- toilet alone
- imaginative play
when can your baby brush his teeth
4 years
Ball kicking development
1.Kicking standing: 2 y
2. Kicking running: 4y
Shapes drawing skills developing
- scribbles: 1.5 y
- round scribbles: 2 y
- longitudinal line: 2y
- transverse line: 2.5 y
- circle: 3 y
- square: 4 y
- triangel: 5 y
- rectangel: 6 y
- cylinder: 7 y
When baby can catches and bounce ball
5 years
When can baby write names
5 years
social skills of 5 years old
- choose friends
- acts out as role play
Playing skills development
- 9 m: Peekapoo
- 1.5 y: symbolic play - spectator - solitary
- 2.5y: pretend - imaginative - parallel
Clothing skills development
- take off shoes: 1.5y
- take off shirt with open buttons: 2.5 y
- dress w/ help: 3y
- dress w/o help: 4
- do up buttons: 5
Command response development
- 1 command: 1.5 y
- 2 commands: 2 y
- 3 commands: 3 y