Developing Data Product Flashcards
what is r markdown
A format that can be interpreted into markdown (which is a simplified markup language).
A simplified format that, when interpreted, incorporates your R analysis into your document.
In rmarkdown presentations, in the options for code chunks, what command prevents the code from being repeated before results in the final interpreted document?
echo = FALSE
In rmarkdown presentations, in the options for code chunks, what prevents the code from being interpreted?
eval = FALSE
What is leaflet?
An R package interface to the javascript library of the same name
A javascript library for creating interactive maps
If I want to add popup icons to my leaflet map in R, I should use.
Which of the following are absolutely necessary for creating a functioning shiny app? (Check all that apply)
A server.R file containing a call to shinyServer()
A ui.R file containing a call to shinyUI()
What is incorrect about the following syntax in ui.R?
library(shiny) shinyUI(pageWithSidebar( headerPanel("Data science FTW!"), sidebarPanel( h2('Big text') h3('Sidebar') ), mainPanel( h3('Main Panel text') ) ))
Missing a comma in the sidebar panel
Why isn’t it doing what we want?
The server.R output name isn’t the same as the plotOutput command used in ui.R.
What are the main differences between creating a Shiny Gadget and creating a regular Shiny App? (Check all that apply)
Shiny Gadgets are designed to be used by R users in the middle of a data analysis.
Shiny Gadgets are designed to have small user interfaces that fit on one page.