Dev Milestones Flashcards
Lift head when prone
2 mos
Turn head to see/hear
2 mos
large, jerky movements
2 mos
bring hands to mouth
2 mos
reflex grasp
2 mos
move warm when see object
3-6 mos
grasps voluntarily
3-6 mos
play w hands, feet
3-6 mos
toys @ midline
3-6 mos
transfer toys hand-hand
3-6 mos
holds head upright, steady
3-6 mos
rolls both ways
3-6 mos
index finger to poke
6-9 mos
holds objects in both hands
6-9 mos
pivot on stomach
6-9 mos
pulls to hands/knees
6-9 mos
sit w/o help
6-9 mos
pincer grasp
9-12 mos
drop/pick up toys
9-12 mos
uses BOTH hands to play together
9-12 mos
9-12 mos
pull to stand
9-12 mos
stands w/o support
9-12 mos
9-12 mos
walks alone, back, sideways
12-18 mos
crawl up stairs
12-18 mos
pull object apart
12-18 mos
12-18 mos
runs, stops, squats
2-3 YO
tiptoe walk
2-3 YO
walk up stairs with alternating feet
2-3 YO
2-3 YO
stands on 1 leg for 1-3 sec
2-3 YO
kicks ball
2-3 YO
catches & throws ball
2-3 YO
stacks 1+ objects
2-3 YO
circular scribble
2-3 YO
draw horizontal line
2-3 YO
runs over obstacles
3-4 YO
stands on 1 feet for 3-5 sec
3-4 YO
hop on one foot
3-4 YO
tricycle riding
3-4 YO
jumps forward, down, over
3-4 YO
9 block tower
3-4 YO
draws cross
3-4 YO
cuts half paper
3-4 YO
draws circle
3-4 YO
tiptoes 8 seconds
4-5 YO
stand on 1 foot for 10 seconds
4-5 YO
hops 5 times
4-5 YO
walk backawrds line
4-5 YO
somersault, gallop
4-5 YO
alternate steps w/o support
4-5 YO
cuts continuous line
4-5 YO
copies shapes
4-5 YO
prints letters
4-5 YO
skips with balance
5-6 YO
hops 20 feet forwards
5-6 YO
jump rope
5-6 YO
balance beam
5-6 YO
10” hurdles
5-6 YO
jump sideways
5-6 YO
cuts shapes
5-6 YO
draws triangle, name
5-6 YO
colors in the lines
5-6 YO
mature grasp pencil
5-6 YO
handedness established
5-6 YO
NO head lag by
6 mos
If head lag after 6 mos suspect…
Cerebral palsy
If poor school performance with ruled out intel defect/learning disability check…
Hypertelorism is…
wide set eyes (>2.5cm) [think Downs]
Ptosis may indicate
paralysis of oculomotor nerve (charlie)
Exopthalmos may indicate
Stork bites leave by
12 mos
Unequal pupils (^ICP)
Hirschbergs test
Corneal light reflex (reflection of light comparison in corneas; unequal = eso or exophoria or tropia)
Alternating convergant strabismus is normal until
6 mos
Allen chart is used
2-3 YO
Snellen chart is used
School aged
No babbling after 6 mos, need to check
No communicative intent; gestures only after 15 months…check
If delayed language milestones…check,
fissures at corners of mouth; check for riboflavin, nicacin deficiencies
Why do you palpate palate in newborns?
check for submucosal cleft; bifid uvula esp.