DEV 1-7 Flashcards
Branch of psychology that studies intraindividual changes and interindividual changes within these intraindividual change.
Developmental Pyschology
Area of psychology that explains the course of physical, social, emotional, moral and intellectual development over a person’s life span.
Developmental Psychology
A chronology of different aspects of human development of a lifelong process from conception to death.
Developmental Psychology
Series of changes that occur because of maturation and experience.
Series of changes of an orderly and coherent type toward the goal of maturity.
Qualitative changes
The science of aging.
Geron: old man. Ology: study of.
Branch of medicine concerned with the diseases of old age.
The development or unfolding of traits potentially present in the individual considering his hereditary endowment. The unfolding of individual’s inherent traits.
The result of activities or day-to-day experiences of a person himself.
A development that comes from exercise and effort on the individual’s part.
Rate of development:
Rapid development is observed during the prenatal period continues to babyhood up to the first six years.
Slow development starts from six years to adolescence.
Factors influencing attitudes toward developmental changes.
Changes in behavior.
Cultural stereotypes.
Cultural values.
Role changes.
Personal experiences.
Significant facts about development.
- Early foundations are critical.
- Roles of maturation and learning in development.
- Development follows a definite and predictable pattern.
- Law of developmental direction.
Cephalocaudal law. Development spreads from head to foot.
Proximodistal law. Development spreads from the central axis of the body to the extremities.
- All individuals are different.
- Each phase of development has characteristics pattern of behavior.
- Each phase of development has Hazards:
Inappropriate expectations bypassing of a stage of development arises when passing from one stage to another.
- Development is aided by stimulations.
- Development is affected by cultural
- There are social expectations for every stage of development.
- Developmental tasks. A task which arises at or about a certain period in the life of the individual.
Motivates individual.
Shows individuals what lies ahead.
1. Babyhood and early childhood.
Learning to take solid foods.
Learning to walk.
Learning to talk.
Learning to control the elimination of the body wastes.
Learning sex differences and sexual modesty.
Getting ready to read.
Learning to distinguish right and wrong and beginning to develop a conscience.
Havighurst’s developmental task during the life span.
2. Late childhood.
Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games.
Building a wholesome attitude toward oneself as a growing organism.
Learning to get along with age-mates.
Beginning to develop appropriate masculine of feminine social roles.
Developing fundamental skills in reading, writing, and calculating.
Developing concepts necessary for everyday living.
Developing a conscience, a sense of morality and a scale of values.
Developing attitudes toward social groups and institutions.
Achieving personal independence.
Havighurst’s developmental task during the life span.