Deustch Flashcards
The compost (word)
das Kompositum/die Komposita
A little
Ein Bisschen
One (in the sense of a + something)
Negation mit kein:
1 - Substantive ohne artikel
2 - Substantive mit unbestimmt artikel
The chair:
der Stuhl
The closet:
der Schrank
The painting:
das Bilde
The carpet:
der Teppich
The desk?
das Pult
The mirror:
der Spiegel
Repeat please (formal)
Wie bitte?
Special sale;
How do u pronounce QU in a word?
give an example.
ex: Bequem (confortable)
The rule that all neutral words follow:
Words finished in - chen are all neutral.
What does ‘DOGFUBE’ means? and what’s the translation?
What’s the relation of this and the akkusative?
D - DURCH - through O - OHNE - without G - GEGEN - against F - FUR - for U - UM - around B - BIS - until E - ENTLANG - along After these words u must use the akkusative.
Tell the Akkusative forms and when it is used:
Den, Einen, Keinen
Meinen, deinen, seinen, unseren, euren, ihren
Mich, dich, sie, ihn, es, uns ,euch
Used after something or someone receives/suffers an action.
The pc:
der Computer
The monitor;
der Bildschirm
The keyboard:
die Tastatur
The printer:
der Drucker
The piano:
das Klavier
The plants:
die Pflanzen
Tell the Modalverben:
Konnen -- can Durfen -- Is allowed Mussen -- must Sollen -- should Wollen -- want Mogen -- like Mochten -- would like
2 Ways to tell cool:
Tell some hobbyes:
Freunde treffen Lesen Kochen Musik Horen Fotografieren Singen Rad Fahren
What does the particle ‘gern’ means?
To do with pleasure.
Tell 3 rules about the irregular verbs:
They are normally to ‘du’ and ‘er/sie/es’ , sometimes they are to the ‘ich’ but never to the plural.
Verbs that chance from e – > i
Sprechen, nehmen, trefen. geben, essen, helfen
Verbs that change from e – >. ie
Lesen, sehen, empfehlen
Verbs that change from a – > ä
Fahren, schlafen, waschen, laufen, gefallen
Tell some adverbes:
Immer, fast immer, nie, fast nie, manchmal, seltem, oft, sehr oft.
How can we use the ‘am’ preposition?
tell also the exception
Week days, dates and periods of the day, (exception - die Nacht (im die Nacht – not am)
Periods of the day:
Morgen, vormittag, mittag, nachmittag, abend, nacht.
How can we use the ‘um’ preposition?
Exclusive for hours.
um 8 uhr gehen wir…
How can we say the bean?
die Bohne
How can we say the tomato?
die Tomate
How can we say the water?
das Wasser
How can we say the tee?
der Tee
How can we say the Breakfast? and what is it beside a noun?
a verb.
How can we say the lunch?
zu Mitag
How can we say the dinner?
zu Abend
With ‘gern’ u must use nicht oder kein?
In a composed word, the first one indicates what?
The specifics and the meaning of the word.
In a composed word, the second one indicates what?
The article of das Kompositum.
How can we say the sense?
der Sinn
How can we say the center of the city?
die StadtZentrum
How can we say the computer program?
das ComputerProgram
What happens when there is a ‘dt’ in a word?
u only pronounce the ‘t’
der Kellner/die Kellnerin
die Speisekarte
The napking?
die Serviette
The fork?
die Gabel
The spoon?
der Loffel
The knife? (das)
das Mener
How can we say the MAINPLATE, DESEART?
HauptSpeise, Nachspeise
How can we say the order, price, portion?
die Bestellung, der Preis, die Portion
How can we say the plate, drink?
das Gericht, das Getrank
How can we say the bill, tip?
die Rechnung, das Trinkgeld
How can we say the idea?
die Idee
The difference between essen/Essen?
Essen - the food
essen - the verb
The difference between Morgen/morgen?
Morgen - morning
morgen - tomorrow
How can we say the same, normally, credit card?
das Gleich
das Normalerweise
die KreditKarte
How can we say the confused and bored?
die Verwirst
die Langeweile
What happens with a letter behind an “h”?
The “h” will make the sound of the letter last more .
The metro
die U-bahn
To repair:
To change:
der Sessel
The painting/picture:
das Bild
The trash:
die Mülltonne
To take/(drink medicine)
To go (by transport):
The capitalist:
der Kapitalist
The cutlery:
das Besteck
The bill:
die Rechnung
The service:
die Bedienung
The cup of coffee:
die Kaffeetasse
The city centrum:
das Stadtzetrum
The computer program:
das Computerprogramm