Determining Gender Flashcards
Nouns that refer to males
masculine (der Vater)
Nouns that end in -er
usually masculine (der Lehrer)
Nouns that end in -en
usually masculine (der Wagen)
Nouns that end in -el
usually masculine (der Mantel)
Days of the week, months, and seasons
masculine (der Montag, der Januar, der Herbst)
Foreign words with the accent on the last syllable
masculine (der Soldat, der Elefant)
Nouns formed from an infinitive minus the -en ending
masculine (besuchen -> der Besuch)
Nouns that form their plural by (umlaut)+e
usually masculine
(der Brief -> die Briefe
der Satz -> die Sätze)
Nouns that end in -ich
masculine (der Teppich)
Nouns that end in -ig
masculine (der Käfig)
Nouns that end in -ismus
masculine (der Kommunismus)
Nouns that end in -ist
masculine (der Kapitalist)
Nouns that end in -ling
masculine (der Lehrling)
Nouns that end in -us
masculine (der Rhythmus)
Nouns that refer to females
feminine (die Mutter)
Names of numerals
feminine (die Eins)
Names of rivers
usually feminine (die Elbe)