Determinate Organs- Leaves Flashcards
What can Arabidopsis mutants help to identify?
Arabidopsis mutants identify genes controlling meristem activity.
What do clavata mutants do?
Clavata mutants progressively accumulate more stem cells.
SAM, IM and FM cell number increases in clavata mutants
(because of defect in the transition of cells out of CZ).
What do clavata IMs produce?
Produce more floral meristems.
What do mutant clavata FMs do?
Produce more floral organs.
Extra carpels – gives larger club-like gynoecium
name clavata is derived from Latin – “clavatus” – shaped like a club
What are the known parts of the CLAVATA intracellular signalling pathway?
CLAVATA gene products appear to be part of an intercellular signalling pathway.
CLV1 – receptor like kinase.
CLV2 - receptor-like protein.
CLV3 – small secreted protein.
What are wuschel mutants?
Wuschel mutants repeatedly initiate defective shoot meristems –
stop-go development
giving disorganized bunches of leaves (touseled) and very few flowers.
What does wuschel do?
WUSCHEL promotes stem cell identity.
What do lateral organs derive from?
Lateral organs derive from founder cells.
What are founder cells?
Founder cells are:
- specified by their position at the meristem periphery.
- morphologically indistinguishable from surrounding cells at this stage.
Activation of founder cells involves increased cell divisions to create a lateral organ primordium.
Further growth and differentiation produce the leaf.
What is phyllotaxy and when is it determined?
The pattern of leaves on the shoot. Defined positions of leaves.
Reflects the pattern of organ initiation at the meristem.
Phyllotaxy is determined very early in leaf development,
at the stage of primordium initiation.
What is the most common form of phyllotaxy?
Spiral phyllotaxy.
In most plants (~80%), leaves form in a regular spiral pattern.
At what angle do leaves form in spiral phyllotaxy?
In spiral phyllotaxy, leaves form about 137.5°apart.
Initiate at specific angle.
Optimum spacing of leaves to capture optimum amount of light.
The Golden Ratio
137.5/360 = 0.382
How are leaf primordia termed?
Leaf primordia are numbered P1, P2 etc from youngest to oldest.
The next leaf to form is called the incipient primordium, I1.
How can primordia influence the position of other primordia?
Primordia can influence position of where next ones will form.
Secrete inhibitor.
Leaf primordia are surrounded by zones of inhibition in which new primordia cannot form.
Inhibition decreases as primordia grow away from the meristem periphery.
How do the incipient primordia get their positional information?
The apex of the pin1 mutant is bare – it fails to produce lateral organs.
Therefore, polar auxin transport is necessary for primordium formation.
Auxin- hormone involved in almost everything in plants.
Pin mutant not initiating primordia of any kind.
Flow of auxin must be involved in primordium formation.
What is required for organogenesis?
Local auxin maximum.
Where does auxin accumulate?
How is auxin maxima driven?
Auxin accumulates at I1 position.
Auxin maxima is driven by PIN localistion- Localised maximum of hormone.
How does PIN1 polarity affect the loaction of next primordium?
A subsequent reversal in PIN1 polarity changes the position of the auxin maximum, specifying the site of the next primordium.
What happens to PIN1 after primordium initiation?
After primordium initiation, PIN1 distribution changes, directing auxin flow into the developing midvein of the leaf.
Require auxin to promote formation.
Not spread of inhibitor, but taking away of activator.
How is leaf identity initiated?
Cells in the primordia are functionally distinct from cells in the meristem.
They become determinate – growth stops once the leaf is formed.
What promotes differentiation?
Primordium-specific genes.
What are the ARP genes and what do they do?
The ARP genes
“ARP” is derived from three homologous genes ASYMMETRIC LEAF1 (AS1) - Arabidopsis. ROUGH SHEATH2 - Maize. PHANTASTICA (PHAN) –Antirrhinum (snapdragon).
ARP genes encode MYB transcription factors.
Expressed in cells of leaf primordia.
Promote growth, differentiation and determinacy.
(ARP- transcription factors.
Highly related proteins.
Only expressed in emerging primordium and promote primordium.)
Where is AS1 expressed and what does it do?
ASYMMETRIC LEAF1 (AS1), an ARP, is expressed in cotyledons but not in the meristem.
Prevent differentiation by controlling expression of ARP1.
What happens if ARP activity is lost?
Increased leaf indeterminancy and complexity.
Very similar phenotypes to KNOX-OE.
What do as1 mutants have?
as1 mutants have lobed leaves and ectopic meristems
on leaf surface.
as1 mutants ectopically
express homeobox transcription factors.
How do ARP and KNOX1 genes affect each other?
The activities of ARP and KNOX1 genes are mutually antagonistic.
The two classes of transcription factors are mutually repressive, and help establish a separate identity for the emerging leaf primordium.
What are the two types of leaf complexity?
Simple and compound.
KNOX factors are crucial for this difference.
What is the state of KNOX1 expression in simple leaves?
In plants with simple leaves, KNOX1 expression remains off in leaf primordia.
What is the state of KNOX1 expression in compound leaves?
In plants with compound leaves, KNOX1 expression turns back on in primordia.
Make primordia on the leaf primordia.
What are the two types of leaf polarity?
Adaxial (top side)
Abaxial (bottom side)
How is leaf poalrity affected by the meristem?
Lateral organs have a polarity with respect to the meristem.
The meristem side is adaxial, and far side is abaxial.
(The meristem side is adaxial, and far side is abaxial.)
How are the adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaf different?
adaxial / abaxial sides of the leaf are functionally specialised.
Adaxial- palisade mesophyll – densely packed photosynthetic cells.
Abaxial- spongy mesophyll – loosely packed to facilitate gas exchange.
What is the Sussex signal?
Meristem-derived positional signal for ad/abaxial polarity.
If signal blocked, only get one surface- leaf can’t distinguish top and bottom sides.
What is the phantastica mutant?
Temperature sensitive transposons.
Phan- snapdragon version of asymmetric leaves.
The phantastica mutant has radially symmetrical leaves.
PHAN encodes an ARP transcription factor.
Mutant phan leaves are abaxialized. PHAN is necessary for adaxial cell fate.
Needs transcription factor to promote differentiation.
What are kanadi mutants?
Arabidopsis mutant.
Loss of function kanadi mutants have radial, adaxialized leaves.
A kanadi mutant has radial, adaxialized leaves, showing that KANADI genes promote abaxial fate.
Opposite function as PHAN, yet similar loss of lamina outgrowth.
KANADI genes also encode transcription factors.
How do KAN and PHAN control leaf polarity?
Mutual repression of transcription factors controls leaf polarity and lamina outgrowth.
Another example of antagonism between TFs as a developmental circuit guiding morphogenesis.
KAN and PHAN repress each other.