Detect To Engage Sequence Flashcards
Range of SLQ-32A (V) 3
300+ nm
Function of SLQ-32A (V) 3
Anti ship missile defense
Location of SLQ-32A (V) 3
Port and stbd of island
Range of SPS-49
256 nm
Fiction of SPS-49
Primary air search radar
Important info of SPS-49
2D radar, gives range and bearing
Range of SPS-48E
220 nm
Function of SPS-48E
Secondary air search radar
Important info of SPS-48E
3D radar gives range, bearing, and altitude
What does the SYS-2 do?
Combines SPS-49 and SPS-48E into one picture for ACDS
Range of MK 23 Target Acquisition System (TAS)
110 or 22.5 nvm
Function of MK 23 Target Acquisition System (TAS)
Primary fire control radar
Important info of MK 23 Target Acquisition System (TAS)
2 modes of operation long or short
Range of MK 95 3D radar
50 nm
Function of MK 95 3D radar
Secondary fire control radar, illuminated target for NATO
Important info of MK 95 3D radar
Used by NATO to shot targets
Range of MK 29 NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System/ NSSMS/ NATO
9 nm
Where is the MK 29 NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System/ NSSMS/ NATO fired from
CIC from FOC by the FOCO
Location of MK 29 NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System/ NSSMS/ NATO year
2 FOC’s in combat and 2 RSC’s in combat
Location of MK 29 NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System/ NSSMS/ NATO launchers
1 on fwd missile deck and 1 on aft missile deck
Launcher info for MK 29 NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System/ NSSMS/ NATO
Each holds 8 missiles
Type of missile MK 29 NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System/ NSSMS/ NATO shoots
RIM-7p, semi active homing
What does it mean to be semi active homing
Needs outside source to guide
Important info of MK 29 NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System/ NSSMS/ NATO
Uses the MK 95 director to engage
Range of MK 31 Rolling Airframe Missile System
3 nm
Where is the MK 31 Rolling Airframe Missile System fires from
CIC and fwd and aft ciws via wcp locally or remote
Location of MK 31 Rolling Airframe Missile System gear
2 wcp in combat and 1 in aft ciws and 1 in fwd launcher room
Location of MK 31 Rolling Airframe Missile System launchers
1 on fwd missile deck, 1 on aft missile deck
Launcher info for MK 31 Rolling Airframe Missile System
Each holds 21 missiles
Type of missile MK 31 Rolling Airframe Missile System shoots
RIM 116A/B passive homing (fire and forget)
Important info for MK 31 Rolling Airframe Missile System
SDWC fires RAM
Range of MK 15 CIWS
1 nm
Where is the MK 15 CIWS fires from
CIC/ fwd ciws or aft ciws
Location of MK 15 CIWS gear
1 RCS in combat and 1 LCS in aft ciws and 1 lcs in fwd ciws
Location of MK 15 CIWS mounts
Fwd above the bridge, aft port side fan tail
Mount info for MK 15 CIWS
Max cap 1550 rounds
Rate of fire for MK 15 CIWS
Surface-3000 per min
Air-4500 per min
Type of round MK 15 CIWS shoots
20 MM Tungsten
Define SONAR
Sound navigation and ranging
Define radar
Radio detection and ranging
What does Naval Support Fire Support (NSFS) do?
Gunfire support for troops landing for beach operations
What is command and control warfare? (C2W)
Direction of forces and weapons to achieve goal
2 warfare areas that utilize naval gun systems
Air warfare and surface warfare
4 warfare areas that utilize naval missile systems
Air, undersea, surface, strike
Purpose of harpoon
High subsonic, anti ship, tactical surface to surface missile
Purpose of tomahawk missiles
Guided by terrain mapping
Purpose of vertically launched ASROC
Anti submarine
Purpose of standard missiles
Medium range
Purpose of RAM
Missile to missile/ missile defense
Purpose of fire control
Warheads on foreheads
What affects sonar operations
Temperature, pressure, salinity