Details Flashcards
True or false: rails g controller NAME - NAME should be plural?
True or false: rails g model NAME - NAME should be plural?
True or false: migration are created when a model is generated?
In Ruby, how is a multi-line comment created?
What does an exclamation point (!) mean in .capitalize! and other Ruby string methods?
If an ! is present, the existing string is destructively altered rather than a new string being spawned.
Ruby loops and iterators include:
Unless, While, Until, For
What’s the syntax difference between an inclusive and exclusive FOR statement?
Exclusive: 1…20 (three dots), inclusive 1..20 (two dots)
What closes a “loop do” statement?
Break if condition…end.
Syntax of a Ruby LOOP statement?
counter = 1; loop do…break if counter…end
Ruby on Rails common migration options (6):
default: , limit: 29, null: false, first: true, after: email, unique: true
Generate a migration to add columns to a table.
rails g migration AddTo col1:string col2:integer col3:boolean
Generate a migration to remove columns from a table.
rails g migration RemoveFrom col2:integer
List 5 additional migration commands.
rename_column :zombies, :bio, :description
rename_table :zombies, :ghouls
drop_table :zombies
change_column :zombies, age: integer, limit: 4
change_column_default :zombies, :is_admin, default: true
What is this syntax called? { :name => “Jon” }
Rocket syntax.
What is this syntax called { name: “Jon” }
Hash syntax. It’s the preferred data definition syntax in Ruby 1.9.