Desktop Publishing Flashcards
What is a text box?
a box you insert text into.
What is Colour fill?
Allows colour to be added to shapes or boxes within a document.
What are Handles?
attached to frames to allow manipulation.
What are margins?
The white space and borders around the page.
What is a title?
Text that introduces the article or subject
What is extended Text?
Text consisting of several lines.
What is Cropping?
The Background image is taken away from the main image.
What is Text Wrap?
When text follows the outline of a graphic.
What is Flow text along a path?
text that travels in the same direction as a line or curve.
What is the Serif Font?
any typeface which has bars crossing the ends of strokes
What is Sans Serif Font?
Sans serif means without serif.
Any typeface which doesn’t have the bars across the ends of strokes.
What is Bleed?
An extension of a graphic or block of colour beyond the trimmed edge of a page.
What is transparency?
Making fills and images partially see through.
What is a Drop Shadow?
A shadow created behind an object or text to create depth and emphasis.
What is rotation?
Images and text boxes can be rotated within a document. This helps to create movement and rhythm therefore creating emphasis.