Design Patterns 2 Flashcards
Describe the behavioral Design Pattern: Chain of Responsibility
Describe the behavioral Design Pattern: Memento
Describe the behavioral Design Pattern: Observer
Describe the behavioral Design Pattern: Command
Describe the behavioral Design Pattern: State
Describe the behavioral Design Pattern: Interpreter
Describe the behavioral Design Pattern: Strategy
Describe the behavioral Design Pattern: Iterator
Describe the behavioral Design Pattern: Template Method
Describe the behavioral Design Pattern: Mediator
Describe the behavioral Design Pattern: Visitor
Describe the structural Design Pattern: Adapter
Describe the structural Design Pattern: Proxy
Describe the structural Design Pattern: Bridge
Describe the structural Design Pattern: Composite
Describe the structural Design Pattern: Decorator
Describe the structural Design Pattern: Facade
Describe the structural Design Pattern: Flyweight
Describe the creational Design Pattern: Abstract Factory
Describe the creational Design Pattern: Builder
Describe the creational Design Pattern: Factory Method
Describe the creational Design Pattern: Prototype
Describe the creational Design Pattern: Singleton