Design Hydrograph and Estimation of exceptional floods Flashcards
For some problems the whole flood hydrograph is of interest (e.g. design of flood control reservoir, FCR). Basically, two possibilities exist to obtain a design hydrograph:
a) Rainfall runoff model (event based or continuous)
b) Analytical hydrograph
Specific analytical hydrograph:
- Dimensionless mean hydrograph of direct runoff QD
- QD(t) will be normalised with peak runoff HQD(ts), and the time t is normalised with time to peak ts
- Empirical functions like Kozeny hydrograph :
Estimation of m:
- Parameter m can be estimated with the least squares method comparing observed and analytical hydrographs
- A mean analytical hydrograph can be obtained by analysing many events and averaging the parameter m
Design hydrograph:
a) Re-scaling of the mean Kozeny hydrograph with peak discharge HQD(T) and time to peak ts
b) Different hydrograph types for different flood types can be used
c) Alternative: multivariate flood frequency analysis considering several variables simultaneously
(e. g. peak and volume) using multidimensional PD’s or Copulas
Estimation of design flood HQ with T»100 yr: Objective:
- Design of important hydraulic structures e.g. large dams
- In Germany: large return periods are requested regarding design for safety of the spillway (BHQ1=1000yr) and for stability of the dam (BHQ2=10000yr) according to DIN 19700
- Problems for estimation: small sample sizes and non-stationarity
Estimation of design flood HQ with T»100 yr: Methods:
a) Extend sample size by spatial information extension (regional flood frequency analysis)
b) Using a rainfall runoff model with extreme design storm or long synthetic rainfall as input
c) Convention: prescribed PD e.g. use PIII distribution with maximum skew of cS=4 (see e.g. Kleeberg & Schumann, 2001) or by empirical scaling of lower standard quantile e.g. HQ(1000) = x * HQ(100)
Estimation of the probably maximum flood (PMF): Definition and purpose:
- Maximum Flood which might occur given the most extreme meteorological and hydrological conditions deterministic definition
- PMF is usually not used for design since uneconomical
- PMF is used for assessment of risk and required mitigation measures
Estimation of the probably maximum flood (PMF): Methods to estimate PMF:
a) From probable maximum precipitation (PMP) using a simple rainfall runoff model (e.g. event + large runoff coefficient)
b) Using regional envelope curves developed from maximum observed or simulated floods