What is the product intended for?
What are the 2 types of function and what are they for?
Primary function which is the products main job and secondary function which is the products additional job.
How well does the product do the job it is intended for? Is it fit for purpose?
How can you test whether a product performs well?
You must already know its primary function as well as who would use it.
Who is the product being designed for?
What are the 2 main types of market research?
Field and desk research.
The products exterior look.
When commenting on the aesthetics of the product what sub-topics may you refer to?
Shape, Form, Proportions, Pattern, Texture, Line, Colour and material.
How a human interacts with the product and its surrounding environment.
What is human engineering?
Fitting the person to the activity and the activity to the person.
What are the 3 sub-topics of ergonomics?
Anthropometrics, Physiology and Psychology.
What are anthorpometrics?
Human dimensions and measurements.
What is Physiology?
The bodies capabilities e.g strength, muscle cpontrol, posture, flexibility, joint movement and reaction times.
What is Psychology?
Mental and emotional senses such as sound, fell, smeel, look, etc.
Is the product safe for the user.
What regulations must a product meet in order to be manufactured for mass market?
British Standards Institute (BSI) or the International Standards Organisation (ISO)
Suitability of material chosen
Decide what manufacturing process will best suit the product and the company producing it.
What are the deciding factors when looking for the correct manufacturing process to use?
Material, number of products being produced, cost and the complexity of the design.
Cost and value for money
Will the product make profits for the company producing it with being produced with the chosen manufacturing process and material(s).