Design and implement build and release pipelines Flashcards
What percent of the total exam questions are dedicated to this subject?
40% to 45 %
What is a summary of the various parts of the build automation flow in Azure pipelines?
- A Trigger triggers a pipeline
- Pipeline consists of stages
- Each stage is executed as a job on an agent once all of the jobs required upstream jobs are finished
- A job/stage is a sequence of steps which can be custom scripts or Azure DevOps custom tasks like ‘Publish Build Artifact’
How can external tools be integrated with the build pipeline?
When the needed functionality is not part of the native set of tasks, the visual studio marketplace provides access to many 3rd party tasks. In the event that your need still isn’t covered, custom tasks and extensions can be developed.
How and why would quality gates be a configured?
Quality gates allow us to define a of minimum criteria which must be met before we deploy. These criteria may be that a specific number or specific people have approved the code, that any issues related to the it are resolved, that a security scan on the code has completed successfully, that the tests have ran successfully, that the network meets specific conditions (speed, connectivity, stability etc.).
What should be considered when designing a testing strategy?
How can an Azure DevOps pipeline trigger another pipeline?
What are the recommended package management tools when working with Azure DevOps?
GitHub Packages and Azure Artifacts
What are the main features of Artifact Feeds?
- Manage your packages structure (groups, permissions etc.)
- Enable your packages to downloaded from everywhere by anyone with a public feed.
- Enable subsets of your packages to be available to different configured groups with feed views
What is the versioning nomenclature recommended?
Semantic versioning or calendar versioning
What are the deployment automation solutions offered by Azure DevOps?
Using GitHub actions as a trigger for an Azure pipeline or simply A-Z Azure pipeline.
What are the primary terms associated with ‘build agent infrastructure’?
- Build agents
- Agent pools
- Microsoft-hosted agents
- Self-hosted agents
What are standard specifications of a Microsoft-hosted agent?
What are the different build triggers and build trigger rules?
How are build pipelines defined?
Principally using YAML files or the designer
is being phased out. Focus on YAML.
What does a job execution order including parallelism and multi-stage look like?
Can Microsoft hosted agents access non public endpoints?
Probably not. If you need your agents to access internal services which are controlled by network and authentication, you will probably need to configure on-prem agents which can access the internal services and connect them to an Azure agent pool so that they are usable agents for job being run on AzureDevOps.