Design and Implement Azure App Service Apps (15-20%) Flashcards
4 Items needed to create an App Service Plan?
- Region (East US, SE Asia..)
- Instance Size (small, medium, large)
- Scale Count (1 - 20 instances or 50 for premium)
- SKU (Free,Shared,Basic,Standard,Premium)
URL of Web App?
When can you move apps between plans?
When the plans are in the same resource group and geographical region.
How can you move an app to a service plan in a different region?
Use the Clone App function
True/False: Multiple Apps can share an App Service Plan?
What tier/sku is Per app scaling available at?
PS: Create an App Service Plan?
PS: Update an Existing App Service Plan
PS: Update an Existing Web App
What are WebJobs?
Azure WebJobs provide an easy way to run scripts or programs as background processes on App Service Web Apps.
What type of file extensions do webjobs support?
cmd, bat, exe (.NET), ps1, sh, php, py, js and jar
What 2 DNS options to map a custom DNS name to an App Service?
- CNAME record (website url)
2. A record (IP Address) and TXT record
Which tier does NOT allow for using a custom domain name for an App Service?
Free tier. (Custom domains only available in paid tiers)
CLI: Configure Custom DNS name to an App Service App?
az appservice web config hostname add \
- -webapp \
- -resource-group \
- -name
PS: Configure Custom DNS name to an App Service App?
Set-AzureRmWebApp `
- Name `
- ResourceGroupName `
- HostNames @(“”,””)
4 Requirements of the SSL certificate in App Service?
- Signed by a trusted CA
- Exported as a password protected PFX file
- Contains private key at least 2048 bits long
- Contains all intermediate certificates in the certificate chain
Which tiers can use custom SSL certificates?
Basic, Standard, Premium
What are the 2 types of Certificate Bindings for App Services?
- SNI-Based SSL - allows multiple SSL certificates to
secure multiple domains on the same IP address - IP-based SSL - allows only one SSL certificate to
secure a dedicated public IP address.
Which Azure Service caches static web content at strategically placed locations to provide maxim throughput for delivering content to users?
Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)
What is the default TTL for CDN content?
7 days
What is an App Service Environment (ASE)?
An App Service Environment is an Azure App Service feature that provides a fully isolated and dedicated
environment for securely running Azure App Service apps at high scale.
What is the first things you need to do before you can FTP files to your website?
Create FTP Deployment Credentials
Which tier(s) are deployment slots available for Web Apps?
Standard or Premium
PS: Create a Web App
- ResourceGroupName [resource group name]
- Name [app name] -Location [location] -AppServicePlan [app service plan name]
PS: Create a deployment slot
- ResourceGroupName [resource group name] -Name [app name] -Slot [deployment slot name]
- AppServicePlan [app service plan name]
PS: Delete deployment Slot
-ResourceGroupName [resource group name] -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/slots –
Name [app name]/[slot name] -ApiVersion 2015-07-01
CLI: List Apps in Current Subscription
azure site list
CLI: Create Deployment Slot
azure site create
CLI: Make Deployment Slot the Production Slot
azure site swap
CLI: Delete a slot
azure site delete –slot
URL of Traffic Manager?
Minimum Tier for Traffic Manager?
Max Scale out Instances?
3 Load Balance Options for Traffic Manager?
- Failover
- Round Robin
- Performance
Minimum Tier for App Service Environment (ASE)?
Disk Queue Length
The average number of both read and write requests that were queued on storage. A high disk queue
length is an indication of an application that might be slowing down due to excessive disk I/O
PS: Download Web App Logs
CLI: download Web App Logs
azure site log download
Minimum plan for Web App backup/restore?
PS: List existing app service plans
PS: Change and existing app service plan
PS: Delete existing app service plan
PS: Create Web App
PS: Delete Web App
PS: List Existing Web apps
PS: Change Existing Web App
PS: Publishing Profile for Web App