Deserts Flashcards
il babà al rum
rum–soaked yeast cake
i biscotti
twice–cooked almond cookies
il budino
la crema al caramello
crème au caramel
i cannoli
pastry tube filled with sweet ricotta cream
i cantucci
biscuits with almonds and pine nuts
la cassata
ice cream cake with cream and custard
le castagnole
chestnut fritters
la ciambella
ring–shaped cake
la cioccolata
la crema pasticcera
pastry cream/rich vanilla pudding
la crostata
shortbread topped with jam or fresh fruit
il gelato
ice cream
la granita
sorbet of fruit juice and syrup
il marzapane
almond paste
i millefoglie
layers of crisp, light, buttery pastry dough
il pandolce
sweet bread packed with candied fruit
la panna montata
whipped cream
la schiacciata con l’uva
pastry made with wine grapes
il semifreddo
frozen creams made from custard and whipped cream
il tiramisù
sponge cake with brandy, espresso, mascarpone, and chocolate
la torta della nonna
custard shortbread pie
la torta di frutta
fruit tart
lo zabaglione
custard of egg yolks with wine and brandy
lo zuccotto
round sponge cake with chocolate, cream, and candied fruit