Descriptive Epi Flashcards
Active surveillance
Going into community to search for new disease/condition cases
Syndromic Surveillance
A system that looks for pre-defined signs/symptoms of patients
Most important thing to define in Epi
“Case” definition… what it is
Occurrence of disease clearly in excess of normal expectancy
Community/period clearly defined
Epidemic limited to a localized increase
Interchanged with “cluster”
The constant presence of a disease within a given area of population in excess of normal levels elsewhere
A widespread epidemic involving a large number of people
Common or point source
Not person to person (Grandmas meatloaf)
One main area of peak in the graph
Propagated source
Person-to-person spread (several peaks in graph)
Calculation of a disease rate to compare
of events / and equal # of person years
New cases of disease # new cases of disease / # of possible people at risk for the disease Remember to remove those who already have disease
Existing cases of disease + new cases of disease # of existing cases of a disease / # of persons in population ;plp
Four Categories of 2x2 table
Exposed vs Non-exposed
Disease vs Non-diseased
Basically… what was exposed (category) and yes/no if they got the disease or incident
Risk Ratio (RR)
A / (A+B) : Exposed Risk
C/ (C+D) : Non-Exposed Risk
1.0000001 - 1.99999 = use decimal to show increase 1-99% increase
Incidence Risk (IR)
Same as RR
Odds Ratio
“times control” for interpretation
2.0 to infinity
2x 3x … greater odds to do something than comparator group
Absolutely Risk Reduction (ARR)
Simple “absolute” difference in risks
Exposed - unexposed (ramipril example)
Relative Risk Reduction (RRR)
(ARR) / R(unexposed)
Absolutely difference / placebo group percentage
Number Needed to Treat (NNT)
1 / Absolutely Risk Reduction
Ramipril example: 1 / .038 = 26.32 (27 patients)
Number of whole patients needed to be treated to experience the studied event outcome (can be beneficial or harmful)
Odds Ratio (OR)
Odds of exposure (cases) / Odds of exposure (control)
A/C) / (B/D
Passive Surveilance
Relies on healthcare system to follow regulations on required reportable diseases/conditions