Describing teeth Flashcards
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What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
The labial (buccal) view
symmetrical narrow trapezoid (narrower cervically).
Narrower mesio-distal than labio-lingual
Smaller than lateral incisor.
There is also a lingual fossa and a small cingulum
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Describe the cusp form of this tooth from the labial view
From the labial view their is a straight mesial surface visible.
The mesial incisal angle is close to 90 degrees
There are straight incisal edge, rounded distal incisal angle, convex distal surface.
Open photos and look at picture one
What is tooth B showing
Mesial & distal view: triangular or wedge shaped outline.
Open photos and look at picture one
What is tooth C showing
The incisal view
Fairly straight and symmetrical
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Describe theincisor form of this tooth from the labial view
Straight incisal edge
The mesio-incisal and disto-incisal angles are almost 90 degrees.
The disto-incisal angle may be slightly more rounded than the mesio-incisal angle.
Open photos and look at picture one
Describe the incisor form of this tooth from the medial and distal surfaces
The mesial and distal surfaces are very similar with minimal incisal third convexity, the middle and cervical thirds are flattened.
Open photos and look at picture one
What is tooth D showing
Mesial view: the labial surface is smooth and convex
The lingual surface is mildly concave in the incisal and middle 1/3, with a small convex cingulum.
Open photos and look at picture one
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Mandibular right central incisor
Alphanumeric: LR1
FDI classification: 4 1
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What is tooth E showing
Distal view: the labial surface is smooth and convex
The lingual surface is mildly concave in the incisal and middle 1/3, with a small convex cingulum.
Open photos and look at picture 3
What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
The lingual view
Has mesial and distal marginal ridges
Theres a lingual fossa
Very slight lingua ridge
Open photos and look at picture one
What is the root form of this tooth?
Single, narrow, conical root,
Flattened mesio-distally.T
he root tends to curve distally and the distal root groove is more marked.
Open photos and look at picture 2
What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
The labial view
narrow trapezoid,
Incisal edge is wider than than central incisor giving fan-shaped outline
Crown slightly larger than central.
There are imbrication lines
Mesial incisor edge is sharper than the distal incisor edge
Open photos and look at picture 2
What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
The lingual view
Has a cingulum that is placed more distally
Has a lingual fossa
Mesial marginal ridge is longer than the distal marginal ridge
Open photos and look at picture 2
What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
The mesial view
wedge-shaped or triangular outline
Tooth looks more straight than on the distal view
Open photos and look at picture 4
What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
The distal view
Distal outline is rounder
Open photos and look at picture 2
What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
The distal view
wedge-shaped or triangular outline
Has a twist towards the distal side
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What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
Cusp (incisal) form
Labial view: Flat incisal edge, rotated on the root with the distal incisal corner lingually placed to follow line of dental arch.
Convex distal surface and rounded distal incisal angle.
Mesial crown profile more flat and the mesio-incisal angle is sharp.
The incisal edge slopes slightly from longer mesial surface of crown.
Open photos and look at picture 2
Describe the root form for this tooth
Single, narrow, conical root, flattened mesio-distally.
The root tends to curve distally and the distal root groove is more marked.
Root is slightly wider, longer, thicker than lower central incisor.
Open photos and look at picture 3
What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
The distal view
Wedge shaped
Labio palatal diameter of crown is smaller Han the maxillary canine
Distal line I both shorter and rounder than the mesial outline
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What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
The incisal view
Incisal ridge divided into mesial and distal slopes. The shorter, more horizontal, mesial slope meets the longer, steeper, distal ridge to form an obtuse (blunt) angle at a cusp tip.
The tip is less pointed and may be more lingually placed than maxillary canine. The distal surface is convex, giving a rounded crown profile, in the incisal two thirds (slightly concave in the cervical third).
The mesial surface is approximately a straight line and continuous with the mesial surface of the root.
Crown appears to lean distally in relation to the root.
Open photos and look at picture 3
Describe the incisal form of the tooth from the mesial/distal view
Labial surface is slightly convex and continuous with the convexity of the root.
Compared to the maxillay canine the lingual surface is concave but smoother, the cingulum is low and less developed, marginal ridges are less prominent.
Open photos and look at picture 3
Describe the root form for this tooth
Usually a single long root, with an oval cross section, flattened mesio-distally. Root tends to curve distally. Occasional apical third bifurcation into labial and lingual roots.
Open photos and look at picture 4
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Mandibular right first premolar
4 4
Open photos and look at picture 4
What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
The buccal view
Has a long pointed buccal cusp and and a non non functional lingual cusp
Buccal cups is slightly mesial and so the mesial slope of the buccal cusp is shorter than the distal slope (similar to the mandibular canine)
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What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
Lingual view
Theres a mesial lingual groove between lingual cusp and the mesial marginal ridge
Small lingual cusp (smaller than buccal cusp)
Open photos and look at picture 4
What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
The occlusal view
Open photos and look at picture 4
describe the Outline form from the occlusal view of this tooth
Diamone shaped occlusal outline
Buccal triangular ridge is longer than the lingual trianglular ridge
Mesio-lingual portion of crown outline is pushed in
Outline usually isn’t symmetrical
Sometimes the Mesial and distal marginal ridges converge symmetrical towards the lingual cusps forming a triangular outline
there are mesial dips and fossa
The crown is the smallest of all the premolars
Open photos and look at picture 4
Describe the cusp form of this tooth from the occlusal view
Dominant pointed buccal cusp
Very small lingual cusp
Due to convexity of the buccal cusp its tip is almost central places in the middle of the occlusal surface
A poorly developed mesio-distal occlusal fissure divided into a smaller mesial and a larger distal fossa by a central enamel ridge. A mesio-lingual developmental groove separates the mesial marginal ridge from the lingual cusp.
How can you distinguish between the right and left side of the central incisor
Mesial incisal angle is sharper whereas the distal incisal angle is a little bit rounder
Where is mesial contact in the canines and incisors?
The incisal third
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What is the cusp form of this tooth from the mesial/distal view
he occlusal surface slopes markedly lingually by approximately a 45 degree angle
The cusps convexity and hanging small lingual cusp a marked lingual inclination of the crown (almost straight lingual surface)
Open photos and look at picture 4
Describe the root form for this tooth
Usually a single long root, with an oval cross section (flattened mesio-distally)
A single tapered, oval shaped root, usually curves distally. Mesial root groove more marked.
What is the man difference between the first and second pre molar?
The first pre molar is usually smaller than the second pre molar
Also the crown is wider bucco-lingually than the 1st premolar
Open photos and look at picture 4
What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
The mesial view
Mesial outline is slightly concave
There is a lingua inclination of the crown and so buccal cusp tip is near the long axis of the tooth
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What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
The mesial view
Wedge/triagular shaped
Labio palatal diameter of crown is smaller Han the maxillary canine
Mesial outline is straighter than the distal
Open photos and look at picture 5
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Mandibular right second premolar
4 5
Open photos and look at picture 5
What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
The buccal/ labial view
The buccal cusp is shorter than the 1st premolar and its tip is located more to the buccal side
The mesial and distal contacts are located just under the junction of the occlusal and middle thirds
Open photos and look at picture 5
What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
The lingual cusp
smaller the the buccal cusp (but bigger than the first premolar)
In the 3 cusp cavitation there is a lingual groove separating the mesial lingual and distal lingual cups
Open photos and look at picture 5
What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
The occlusal view
Open photos and look at picture 5
What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
The mesial view
The mesial marginal ridge is 90 degrees to the long axis of the tooth
Open photos and look at picture 5
What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
The Distal view
This tooth is wider in the buccal lingual direction than the first pre molar
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Describe the outline form of this tooth from the occlusal view
2nd Premolars can have 2 (43%) giving them a rounded occlusal outline
3 cusps (54%) giving the a square occlusal outline
Larger crown than mandibular first premolar. No mesio-distal flattening.
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Describe the cusp form of a 3 cusp premolar
The 3 cusps are more equal in size and less pointed with a single buccal cusp and 2 lingual cusps taller and wider mesio- lingual than the disto-lingual cusp).
The buccal cusp is more rounded and shorter than that of the mandibular first premolar
Open photos and look at picture 5
Describe the cusp form of a 2 cusp premolar
There is a central curving occlusal fissure (U-groove)
around the buccal cusp. This joins the 2 mesial and distal fossae
Distal fossa is larger than the mesial fossa
Open photos and look at picture 12
Describe the cusp form of this tooth from the mesial/distal view
Shallow convex or almost flat labial surface
Look at picture 6
What type of groove does picture C exhibit
Describe it
There is a v shaped central groove that connects to the lingual groove to give a y shaped groove pattern
A central pit is at the junction of the central and lingual groove and heres often a mesial margin
Open photos and look at picture 7
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Mandibular right first molar
LR 6
4 6
Open photos and look at picture 7
What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
Buccal view There are three cusps visible: the mesial buccal the distal buccal the distal There are two grooves: The distal buccal groove the mesial buccal grooves (ends in a pit)
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What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
Lingual View Can see the: large mesial lingual cusp bulge of the distal cusp lingual groove
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What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
Occlusal view
Pentagon shaped outline
Largest occlusal surface of all mandibular teeth and the only one with 5 cusps
Can see the buccal ridge, the buccal groove, the distal buccal groove, the central groove, the lingual groove, mesial buccal groove, distal buccal groove.
Theres a mesial triangular fossa and a distal triangular fossa
there are triangular ridges on all 5 cusps and a central pit in the middle
The the tooth is wider on the mesial than distal
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What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
Mesial view
Buccal height of contour is in the cervical third
The lingual height of contour is in the middle third
Theres a mesial marginal ridge
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What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
Distal view
You can see the tall mesial lingual cusp
Can see the distal cusp and the distal buccal groove
Distal marginal ridge is visible
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Describe the outline form of this tooth from the occlusal view
Pentagon outline (five-cusped).
Largest occlusal outline of all mandibular teeth.
The crown is longer mesio-distally in comparison to its bucco-lingual width (unlike maxillary molars) and is longer on the buccal surface than the lingual surface with the mesial and distal surfaces converging towards the lingual.
The crown of a first molar also tapers and converges towards the distal surface.
Open photos and look at picture 7
Describe the outline form of this tooth from the mesial/distal view
The lingual surface is flat in comparison with the convex, lingually inclined buccal surface
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Describe the cusp form of this tooth from the occlusal view
Mesial and distal buccal are the same height
They are separated by a mesio-buccal groove which ends in a buccal pit
A disto-buccal groove separates these from the minor distal cusp. Two major lingual cusps Mesial Lingual, Distal Lingual.
The Mesial Buccal cusp is wider than either of the lingual cusps, which are about the same size
The Distal Buccal cusp is the smallest of the four major cusps, and the distal is the smallest of all five major cusps. The lingual cusps tend to be taller and more pointed; the tips of the buccal cusps are displaced lingually, are rounded, and are lower than the lingual cusps. The mesial marginal ridge is taller than the distal ridge.
What are the 5 cusps on the first molar called?
Mesial buccal Distal buccal Mesial lingual Distal lingual Distal cusp
Look at picture 7
What does the occlusal fissure diplay in most cases?
Displays a dryopithecus pattern with a Y-shape instead of the cross shaped fissure pattern typical of mandibular molars
The Y-shaped fissure results from the two buccal fissures and single lingual fissure meeting at a central fossa.
Open photos and look at picture 7
Describe the cusp form of this tooth from the buccal view
The distal profile of the crown is convex while the mesial profile of the crown is convex at the muffle and occlusal thirds. The cirvical third is concave
Open photos and look at picture 5
Describe the root form for this tooth
Single conical root with a rounded cross section, flattened slightly mesio-distally, curves distally. The root is slightly longer than first mandibular premolar.
Open photos and look at picture 7
Describe the root form for this tooth
Two roots, the mesial root is generally flattened with a longitudinal groove on its mesial surface, and curves distally. The distal root is more rounded, slightly shorter and less curved.
Open photos and look at picture 8
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Mandibular right 2nd molar
4 7
Open photos and look at picture 8
What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
Buccal view
Contact areas are middle third
More pulpous media outline
On the distal side their is a buccal groove
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What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
Lingual view
Mesial lingual cusp is taller
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What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
Occlusal view
Can see the convergence from the mesial to the distal
Tooth is wider labial lingually on the mesial than the distal
Groove pattern is a cross sign
groove running from buccal to lingual
Theres a distal and mesial triangular fossa
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What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
Mesial view
Height of contour buccal is in the cervical third
lingual is in the middle
Mesial marginal ridge visible
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What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
Distal view
Can see the distal marginal ridge
Height of contour on the buccal and lingual also seen
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Describe the outline form of this tooth
Rectangular occlusal outline
From the buccal view the crown is not as long mesio-distally compared to mandibular first molar.
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Describe the cusp form of this tooth
4 cusps symmetrically situated at the rounded corners of the rectangular outline
Has a convex buccal surface with pronounced buccal groove (commonly terminating in buccal pit) separating the buccal cusps
More flat lingual surface with lingual groove separating two lingual cusps. The lingual cusps have more pointed tips compared to the buccal cusps. However, the mesial cusps are slightly larger/taller than the distal cusps.
Open photos and look at picture 8
What are the 4 cusps on this tooth called
Disto-lingual cusps
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Describe the root form for this tooth
Two roots; a mesial & a distal root which are flattened mesio-distally and are smaller and less divergent than those of the first molar.
The mesial root is larger.
Roots shorter, closer together and more distally inclined than first molar.
Open photos and look at picture 9
Name all 3 teeth
A= Mandibular right third molar (LR8 to 4 8) B= Mandibular right second molar (LR7 to 4 7) C= Mandibular right first molar (LR6 or 4 6)
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What pattern can you see?
The roots get closer together and become shorter from the first to third molar
Third molar roots are often fused together
Open photos and look at picture 10
Name both teeth
A= Maxillary first molar B= Mandibular first molar
Open photos and look at picture 11
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Maxillary right central incisor
1 1
Open photos and look at picture 11
What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
Labial view
Tooth is widest mesial distally on the crown
Has a great curvature of the CEJ
Distal contact is at the junction pf the middle and incisal 1/3
Implication in cervical one third and development depressions also visible
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What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
Palatal view Can see curvature of the CEJ Theres a cingulum Can see mesial and distal marginal edges Theres a lingual ridge and fossa
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What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
Incisal view
The proximal taper towards the cingulum
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What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
Mesial view
Overall crown outline is triangular in shape
The incisal edge is centres over the long axis of the tooth
Height of contour for both the labial and lingual is in the cervial 1/3
Open photos and look at picture 11
What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
Distal view
Look at picture 6
What type of groove does picture B exhibit
Open photos and look at picture 17
Describe the outline form of this tooth from the occlusal view
Can be of two types
4 cusps: Rhomboid form may be more pronounced
3 cusps: the occlusal outline is less rhomboidal and more heart shaped
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Describe the cusp form of this tooth from the palatal view
Incisal/ middle region are concave with well marked marginal ridges
The convex cingulum is prominent
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Describe the root form for this tooth
One large tapered root with a rounded triangular cross section
The root are conical in shape and come to a blunted apex
Mesial contact is in the incisal 1/3
Open photos and look at picture 11
How can the left and right of the mandibular central incisor be distinguished
Observe the incisal edges
The mesial incisal angle is usually sharper
The distal incisal edge is rounder
Open photos and look at picture 12
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Maxillary right lateral incisor
1 2
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What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
Labial view
Has the greatest crown variation
There are incisal edges and incisal angles
Mesial contact is in the incisal third
The distal contact is wither in the middle third or at the junction at the middle and incisal third
May see imprecation lines on the surface
Open photos and look at picture 12
What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
Palatal view
Theres a centres cingulum
Theres a lingual fossa
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What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
Incisal view
The lateral more rounded and less triangular than the central incisor
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What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
Mesial view
Triangular outline
Height of contour for the lingual and the labial is in the cervical third
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What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
Distal view
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Describe the outline form of this tooth from the Labial view
Blade shaped
Crown is more rounded, smaller, narrower mesio-distally and shorter compared to the central
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Describe the outline form of this tooth from the Mesial distal view
Wedge-shaped or triangular outline
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Describe the cusp form of this tooth from the labial view
Straight mesial surface
Mesio-inisal angle is close to 90 degrees
Disto incisa angle is more rounded
The incisal edge slopes downwards towards the shorter distal surface
Open photos and look at picture 11
Describe the cusp form of this tooth from the mesial/distal view
Labial surface is convex cervically
The incisal 2/3 is flattened
Open photos and look at picture 3
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Mandibular right canine
4 3
Open photos and look at picture 12
Describe the cusp form of this tooth from the palatal view
Concave, marginal ridges
Sall cingulum often encloses the pit
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Describe the root form for this tooth
Single root, narrow, oval, tapered to pointed, distally curving apex.
How ca we distinguish between right and left in the side of the maxillary lateral incisor
Mesial incisal edge tends to be sharper and the distal incisal angle tends to be rounder
Open photos and look at picture 13
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Maxillary right canine
1 3
Open photos and look at picture 13
What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
Labial view
Has an incial edge that comes to a cusp tip
Mesial cusp slope is shorter than the distal cusp slope
There can be imprecation lines on the labial surface
The distal contact is the middle third
The mesial contact is at the junction of the incisal and middle thirds
The distal outline can be quite convex at the contact area and then theres a depression at the contact and CEJ
There’s a prominent labial ridge
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What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
Palatal View
There are mesial and distal marginal ridges
Theres both a cingulum and a fossa
This is the longest tooth in the whole dentition
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What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
Incisal view
More asymmetrical outline
Mesial labial is more rounded
Distal labial is more concave
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What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
Mesial view
The proximal and labial height of contour is the cervical 1/3
The lingual height of contour is in the middle third
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What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
Distal view
Open photos and look at picture 13
Describe the outline form of this tooth from the Labial view
A large irregular pentagon shaped crown
Distal profile of crown more convex than mesial
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Describe the outline form of this tooth from the mesial and distal view
Wedge shape
Greater labile-palatal bulk than any other anterior tooth
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Describe the cusp form of this tooth from the labial view
A large pointed cusp with the tip neatly centrally placed over the root in the long axis of the tooth
The distal cusp slope is longer than the mesial cusp slope, and the distal surface of the crown is very convex and is bulbous in shape
Open photos and look at picture 13
Describe the cusp form of this tooth from the mesial/distal view
Marked labial convexity and concave palatal surface from the cusp tip down to the bulky palatal cingulum
Open photos and look at picture 13
Describe the root form for this tooth
Single large, very long conical root, with a rounded triangular cross- section.
Longest of any tooth.
Root tip sometimes bent distally.
Open photos and look at picture 14
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Maxillary right first premolar
1 4
Open photos and look at picture 14
What is tooth A
Describe tooth A
Buccal view
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What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
Palatal view
Open photos and look at picture 14
What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth BC
Occlusal view
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What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
Mesial view
Developmental canine groove extending across mesial marginal ridge to join a marked concavity on the cervical third of the mesial crown surface- canine fossa.
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What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
Distal view
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Describe the outline form of this tooth from the occlusal view
Angular occlusal outline
Broad mesio-distal shoulder to the large buccal cusp
Crown appears wider on the buccal side
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Describe the outline form of this tooth from the Labial view
Resembles maxillary canine but crown shorter and narrower mesio-distally
The cusp tip is distal to the midline
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Describe the cusp form of this tooth
Two cusps separated by a mesio-distal fissure
Large buccal cusp almost canine like outline
Also have smaller more pointed palatal cusp with its tip placed more mesially
The cusp tips otherwise sit almost directly above the roots. The mesial cusp slope is longer than the distal cusp slope.
Open photos and look at picture 14
Describe the root form for this tooth
Two roots, buccal & palatal. Pronounced mesial root groove. Root tips tend to curve distally.
Open photos and look at picture 15
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Maxillary right second premolar
1 5
Open photos and look at picture 15
What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
Buccal view
Open photos and look at picture 15
What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
Palatal view
Open photos and look at picture 15
What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
Occlusal view
Open photos and look at picture 15
What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
Mesial view
Open photos and look at picture 15
What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
Open photos and look at picture 15
Describe the outline form of this tooth from the occlusal view
A symmetrical, almost oval occlusal outline, compressed mesio- distally.
The mesial and distal surface outlines are nearly parallel; converging mildly towards the palatal surface.
The mesio-buccal and disto-buccal corners can be rounded or slightly more angular than the palatal side.
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Describe the outline form of this tooth from the buccal view
Less angular than maxillary first premolar. Buccal cusp more rounded and slightly shorter than first premolar. The mesial slope of the buccal cusp is shorter than the distal slope similar to the maxillary canine.
Open photos and look at picture 15
Describe the cusp form of this tooth
Two cusps, more equal in size than maxillary first premolar
The buccal cusp tip is only slightly more prominent than the palatal. There is a short central fissure which does not cross the mesial marginal ridge. The mesial surface is convex with no canine fossa.
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Describe the root form for this tooth
Single conically root which is flattened mesio-distally
Longer than root of maxillary first molar
What are the differences between the first and second pre molar
In the 2nd premolar:
Crown is smaller and more symmetrical
Mesiobuccal/ distobuccal corners more rounded.
Mesio-distal profiles nearly parallel
Mesio-distal crown dimension smaller (compressed)
Occlusal fissure smaller; does not cross mesial marginal ridge. Cusps smaller, more equal in size.
Single root in almost all cases.
Open photos and look at picture 16
Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Maxillary right first molar
1 6
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What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
Buccal view
I s the largest tooth in the arch and has the largest crown in the whole dentition
Theres a buccal view visible
Mesial contact is at the junction go the muffle and occlusal third
Dista contact is in the middle 1/3
Mesial buccal cusp is wider than the mesial lingual cusp
The mesial outline is flat from the CEJ to the contact
The distal outline is convex from the CEJ to the occlusal
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What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
Palatal view
The mesial lingual cusp is the largest and higher cusp on the tooth and you can also see the minor cusp
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What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
Occlusal view
The mesial cusp has two triangular ridges:
one which crosses to the mesial buccal and the other crosses the distal buccal
Mesial contact is slightly buccal to centre the distal contact his centres lingually
There are four fossa Three pits: Central, mesial and distal
Also a transverse groove
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What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
The mesial view
the distal contact his centres lingually there are four fossa Mesial view
The crown is shorter in height and more broad in the facial lingual direction
Buccal height of contour is in the cervical third
The lingual height of contour is in the middle 1/3
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What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
Distal view
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Describe the outline form of this tooth from the occlusal view
Rhomboid occlusal outline.
Largest occlusal outline of all maxillay teeth.
The longest diameter of the crown runs from mesio-buccal to disto- palatal corners.
The crown tapers towards the distal
It is narrower bucco-palatally on the distal than on the mesial surface.
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Describe the outline form of this tooth from the proximal view
Large convexity on the palatal surface
The buccal surface is convex cervically but more flattened compared to the palatal.
Whereas the distal outline is convex
The mesial outline can be flat or concave in its cervical third.
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Describe the cusp form of this tooth
Four major cusps with The cusps are separated by irregular H-shaped occlusal fissure. The MP cusp is the largest, the DP is the smallest. The MP cusp is blunt and occupies most of the palatal surface (3/5 of palatal surface). The palatal cusp tips are closer to the midline of the tooth than the buccal cusps. The buccal cusp tips appear more prominent than the palatal.
The occlusal surface is divided into two parts by an oblique ridge running diagonally from the MP to the DB cusp. The larger mesial part is triangular in outline with a central fossa. The distal part contains the distal-palatal cusp and fissure (which runs from palatal groove & ends in distal pit).
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What are the 4 cusps they make up the mandibular right first molar
2 buccal cusps:
- Mesio- buccal
- Disto-buccal,
2 palatal cusps
- Mesio-palatal
- Disto-palatal.
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Where is the accessory cusp of Carabelli
Found on 60% of teeth
If present is located on the palatal surface of the mesial palatal cusp
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Describe the root form for this tooth
Three separated roots: Two buccal and one divergent palatal root.
The palatal root is the longest and is circular in cross-section.
The buccal roots are more slender and flattened mesio-distally.
The mesio-buccal root is larger and wider than the disto-buccal.
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Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Maxillary right second molar
UR 7
1 7
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What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
Buccal view
Essentially smaller version of the maxilla 1st molar
Mesial buccal cusp is longer and wider than the distal buccal cusp
Theres a buccal groove but its shorter than the one on the 1st molar
Mesial and vital contacts are both on the middle third
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What is tooth B showing
Describe tooth B
Palatal view The mesial lingual is the largest cusp There is a lingual groove Both mesial lingual and distal lingual cusp present Usually no cusp of pure belly
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What is tooth C showing
Describe tooth C
Occlusal view
There will be taper towards the lingual if theres no distal lingual cusp
If there is a distal lingual cusp it will be smaller
There is a smaller oblique ridge than the first molar
Mesial contact is slightly buccal to centre
If there is a distal contact it is close to the centre
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What is tooth D showing
Describe tooth D
Mesial view
The buccal height of contour is on the cervical 1/3
The lingual height of contour in the middle third
The mesial contact area is larger than the contact are on the first molar
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What is tooth E showing
Describe tooth E
Distal view
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Describe the outline form of this tooth
From the labial view the tooth form is a large trapezium or chisel shaped outline
Has a large crown in proportion to root
From the mesial and distal view the tooth has a triangular form
Look at picture 6
What type of groove does picture A exhibit
Describe it
U- groove (v-shaped)
There is a central curving occlusal fissure
around the buccal cusp. This joins the 2 mesial and distal fossae
Distal fossa is larger than the mesial fossa
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Describe the outline form of this tooth from the buccal view
Smaller crown size, narrower mesio-distally and crown height shorter
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Describe the cusp form of this tooth
Occlusal view: the disto-palatal cusp is smaller and in some cases may be absent
The disto-buccal cusp slightly smaller.
The mesial cusps are the same size as the first molar.
The oblique ridge is less prominent. Unusual to find cusp Carabelli.
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Describe the root form for this tooth §
The second molar has three roots, two buccal and one palatal.
The roots of the second molars are almost as long but less divergent than those of the first molar and may be partly fused.
The mesial buccal root has a greater tendency to curve distally in the apical third. The distal buccal root is straighter
What is the main difference between the maxillary first and second molar?
The main difference is the size of the distal lingual cusps varies or may be absent
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Name all three teeth
A= Buccal view of the maxillary right first molars (UR6 or 1 6) B= Buccal view of maxillary right second molars (UR7 or 1 7) C= Buccal view of maxillary third right molars (UR8 or 1 8)
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What pattern can you see from this picture
The roots tend to be closer together as you get to the 3rd molar
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Name the tooth and give both its alphanumeric and FDI classification
Mandibular right lateral incisor
4 2
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What is tooth A showing
Describe tooth A
The labial view
A long pentagon shaped tooth
Crown is generally smaller and narrower mesio-distally giving the appearance of the mandibular tooth being longer than the maxillary
Has a single cusp tip
Mesial cusp slope is shorter than the distal cusp slope
Slight labial ridge
Canines are the longest tooth in the dentition