DescribeSObjectResult Class Flashcards
Returns a list of child relationships, which are the names of the sObjects that have a foreign key to the sObject being described.
Indicates whether the object has subtypes. The Account object, which has subtype PersonAccount, is the only object that will return true.
Returns the three-character prefix code for the object. Record IDs are prefixed with three-character codes that specify the type of the object (for example, accounts have a prefix of 001 and opportunities have a prefix of 006).
Returns the object’s label, which may or may not match the object name
Returns the object’s plural label, which may or may not match the object name.
Returns the name of the object, similar to the getName method. However, if the object is part of the current namespace, the namespace portion of the name is omitted.
Returns the name of the object
Returns a list of the record types supported by this object. The current user is not required to have access to a record type to see it in this list.
Returns a map that matches developer names to their associated record type. The current user is not required to have access to a record type to see it in this map.
Returns a map that matches record IDs to their associated record types. The current user is not required to have access to a record type to see it in this map.
Returns a map that matches record labels to their associated record type. The current user is not required to have access to a record type to see it in this map.
Returns the Schema.SObjectType object for the sObject. You can use this to create a similar sObject.
Returns true if the current user can see this object, false otherwise.
Returns true if the object can be created by the current user, false otherwise
Returns true if the object is a custom object, false if it is a standard object.
Returns true if the object is a custom setting, false otherwise.
Returns true if the object can be deleted by the current user, false otherwise.
Returns true if Chatter feeds are enabled for the object, false otherwise. This method is only available for Apex classes and triggers saved using SalesforceAPI version 19.0 and later.
Returns true if the object can be merged with other objects of its type by the current user, false otherwise. true is returned for leads, contacts, and accounts.
Returns true if Most Recently Used (MRU) list functionality is enabled for the object, false otherwise.
Returns true if the object can be queried by the current user, false otherwise
Returns true if the object can be searched by the current user, false otherwise.
Returns true if the object can be undeleted by the current user, false otherwise.
Returns true if the object can be updated by the current user, false otherwise.