Describe the benefits of reliability and predictability in the cloud Flashcards
What is reliability in the cloud?
Reliability refers to the ability of a system to recover from failures and continue functioning. In the cloud, it is supported by a decentralized infrastructure that enables deployment in multiple regions, ensuring continuous operation even in the event of regional failures.
How does the cloud support reliability?
The decentralized design of the cloud allows resources to be deployed in regions globally. Even if one region experiences a catastrophic event, other regions remain operational. Applications can be designed to automatically leverage this reliability, and some cloud environments can automatically shift to different regions as needed.
What is predictability in the cloud?
Predictability in the cloud enables confident decision-making regarding performance and cost. It ensures that the resources needed for optimal performance and the associated costs are predictable.
What is performance predictability in the cloud?
Performance predictability focuses on predicting the resources required to deliver a positive customer experience. Cloud concepts such as autoscaling, load balancing, and high availability support performance predictability by dynamically adjusting resources to meet demand and ensuring even distribution of traffic.
What is cost predictability in the cloud?
Cost predictability involves forecasting or predicting the cost of cloud resources. Cloud analytics tools allow real-time monitoring and optimization of resource usage, enabling businesses to predict future costs and adjust resources accordingly. Tools like Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) or Pricing Calculator help estimate potential cloud spend.