where is the primary motor cortex and how is it arranged?
pre central gyrus
motor homunculus
What are some of the descending tracts?
CORTICOSPINAL TRACT (lateral and ventral)
rubrospinal tract
tectospinal tract
reticulospinal tract
vestibulospinal tract
Key function of the corticospinal tract
fine motor skills
pathway of the corticospinal tract
fibres from cortex –> decsends down the internal capsule –> midbrain –> pons –> medulla oblongata –> pyramids –> 85% fibres decussate at the pyramids –> crossed fibres form the lateral CST –> descends down to the Cervical and lumbar segments depending on the homunculus (LL–> lumbar segments, UL –> Cervical segments) –> Synapse with the motor neurone at the anterior grey horn.
15% fibres that did not decussate –> form the anterior CST –> descends down to the cervical and lumbar segments (fibres from UL and LL respectively) –> decussate at anterior grey commissure –> contralateral anterior grey horn –> synapse with the motor neurone.
clinical relevance of Internal capsule
CVA of internal capsule –> lack of descending CST –> spastic paralysis with hyeprflexion of UL
What is Decorticate posturing and what causes it?
loss of CST function –> spastic paralysis with hyperflexion of the UL
caused by CVA of internal capsule