Desc Terminology Flashcards

Unilocular Corticated

Unilocular Corticated

Unilocular Non-Corticated

Multilocular Radiolucent

Unilocular Corticated In Periapical Region

Unilocular Corticated Interradicular Region

Unilocular Corticated Edentulous region

Focal Opacity

Target lesion

Multifocal Confluent Radiopacity

Multifocal Confluent Radiopacity

irregular and ill-defined radiopacity

Ground-Glass radiopacity


Ground Glass

Mixed Lucent-Opaque lesion
Soft tissue anatomy seen?

Ill-defined corticated
Ala of the nose
Region? Septae? Margins? Defined?
Effects seen on teeth?

Pericoronal to impacted canine
(no septae) Unilocular lobulated
Corticated (if you can see that it’s corticated in most aspects, you can assume it’s corticated, bc of the angle you won’t capture corticated wall everywhere)
Loss of apical lamina dura, tipping into edentulous space