Dermis and subcutaneous tissue Flashcards
Layers of dermis:
Papillary: loose connective tissue beneath the epidermis.
Reticular: Dense dermal collagen.
Functions of the dermis:
- Structure and flexibility.
- Vascular support.
- Immunologic protection.
- Nerve sensation.
Function of ECM:
Supports cells of the dermis.
Components of ECM:
- Collagen
- Elastic fibers
- Extrafibrillar matrix
Collagen produced by:
Dermal fibroblasts.
Types of collagen:
Collagen I: most abundant.
Collagen III: Increased levels during embryogenesis, infancy, wound healing.
Collagen IV, VII, XVII are in the basement membrane.
Structure of elastic fibers:
- Microfibrils (mainly fibrillin)
2. Elastin
Extrafibrillar matrix composition:
- Water
- Electrolytes
- Plasma proteins
- Proteoglycans
Proteoglycan structure and function:
Structure: Protein core + glycosaminoglycan.
Function: bind large amounts of water.
Derived from mesoderm.
Synthesize ECM components:
Elastic fibers
Ground substance
High metabolic activity.
Fine touch.
Deep pressure, vibration.
Marfan syndrome:
Autosomal dominant.
Production of weak elastic tissue due to a defect in synthesizing fibrillin.
Variable expression:
Most often CV abnormalities dominate.
Dislocation of lens (suspensory ligament is elastic).
Pectus excavatum.
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome:
Abnormalities of collagen structure, production, processing, or assembly.
Hypermobile joints and really stretchy skin.
Autoimmune disease, causes sclerosis.
Violaceous plaques, sclerotic plaques. Limb and joint complications. Neurologic involvement. En coup de sabre.
Women > men.
Systemic sclerosis:
Autoimmune disease.
Multisystem disease characterized by vascular dysfunction, excessive production of collagen that primarily targets the skin and visceral organs, and immune dysfunction.
Middle-aged women, increased incidence in the black female population.
Clinical features: Sclerosis of the skin (microstomia, sclerodactyly) Raynaud's phenomenon Telangiectasia Arthritis Internal organ involvement