Dermatopathology - Entities & Features Flashcards
Clear cell acanthoma
Clear demarcation from epidermis
Often neutrophils present
PAS + showing abundant glycogen
Small monomorphic cells Epidermis ‘raining down’ Sharp demarcation of epidermis to dermis Glandular structures in dermis Connected to basal layer of epidermis Forms vertically oriented columns Ductal spaces
Acanthosis in epidermis
Eyeliner sign / peripheral palisade
Some koilocytic like changes at edges of lesion
Clear cell change due to glycosylation of cytoplasm
Overlying hypergranulosis and hyperkeratosis
Fibroepithelioma of pinkus
Fenestrated strands off epidermis
BCC like areas in scaffold
PHLDA1 marker - less staining in basaloid areas , more staining in pink areas
Tumour of follicular infundibulum
Epidermal epithelial growth with a plate like configuration and multiple connections to the epidermis
- keratinocytes have glycogenated appearance resembling those of outer root sheath
Prominent surrounding basement membrane
Elastosis perforans serpinosa
- extrusion of elastin fibres / transepidermal elimination
- associated folliculitis
- can have overlying parakeratosis with neuts
Folliculitis de calvans
Plasma cells Polytrichia Scarring fibrosis Neutrophilic abscesses Hair shaft granulomas Lymphocytes
Granular cell tumour
Overlying epidermis may show pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia
Proliferation of large to polygonal cells with granular eosinphilic cytoplasm in sheets
Individual cells with indistinct borders, small round centrally located nuclei
Large eosinophilic
S100 +ve
CD68 +ve
Syringocystadenoma papilliferum
CYSTIC neoplasm opening into surface
Epidermis has hyperplasia and papillomatosis
Tumour shows papillary growth pattern with papillae composed of FIBROVASCULAR CORE surrounded by 2 layers of cells — inner tall columnar cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm
Plasma cells conspicuous
Look for associated sebaceous naevus
DDx: hydrocystadenoma, hydradenoma, hidradenoma papilliferum,
Granuloma annulare
Closed off palisading granulomas Upper third epidermis Granulomatous inflammation Mucin stain positive (colloidal iron, alcian blue) Normal dermis visible Eosinophils Multinucleated giant cells
Acantholytic acanthoma
Papillomatosis, epidermal hyperplasia with overlying hyperkeratosis
Prominent acantholysis throughout epidermis
Mild superficial perivascular infiltrate
Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis
Subcorneal or superficial intraepidermal neutrophilic pustules with admixed few acantholytic keratinocytes
Background spongiosis with neutrophilic exocytosis and scattered dyskeratotic cells
Papillary dermal oedema
Perivascular mixed inflammatory infiltrate
Dermatofibroma aka fibrous histiocytoma
- Epidermal hyperplasia with flattened rete ridges ,
- Basal induction - induction follicles and sebaceous glands
- Poorly circumscribed proliferation of spindled and/or epithelioid fibroblasts and histiocytes
- Multinucleated giant cells - touton like
- Xanthomatised histiocytes
- Cellular dermis with collagen entrapment more prominent at periphery
- Multinodular tumour in dermis and/or subcutis composed of nests resembling those of the hair matrix with abrupt transition to central shadow cells
- calcifications and foreign body granulomatous response
- numerous mitotic figures
Sebaceous adenoma
Nodular sebaceous and basaloid proliferation
Broadly connected to epidermis
Predominance sebaceous glands
Minimal cytological atypia
Erosion overlying is commmon
More mature sebocytes over less differentiated blue cells
Lipidized cells
MMR gene mutations MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, MLH1
T/F viral cytopathic change going down hair follicles is more likely VZV than HSV
Palisaded encapsulated neuroma
Well circumscribed but non encapsulated
Usually cleft but no capsule
Spindled cells wavy nuclei
Mast cells present
Bullous arthropod bite reaction
Subepidermal bulla ,
eos predominate
Superficial and deep eosinophilic infiltrate
Jig saw arrangements of basaloid islands
Two cell populations small basaloid cells periphery and larger pale cells centrally
Eosinophilic aggregates within nests and around nests forming stroma
What is a sunburn cell
Single or few apoptotic cells high up in epidermis
Consistent with a photodermatosis
Polymorphous light eruption
Variable epidermal spongiosis with dyskeratosis
Superficial and deep mixed inflammation (mostly lymphocytic)
Red cell extravasation
Marked papillary dermal oedema
Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus
Follicular plugging
BM thickening
Lichenoid reaction pattern - basal vacuolation and apoptotic keratinocytes
Superficial and deep lymphocytic infiltrate
Mucin interstitially
Lupus tumidus
Relative sparing of epidermis
Superficial and deep lymphocytic inflammation
Mucin deposition interstitially
Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
CF. DLE - presence of more epidermal atrophy - epidermal atrophy Basement membrane thickening Mucin deposition Superficial and deep lymphocytic infiltrate with periappendegeal spread /peri-eccrine - Less hyperkeratosis - Less Basement membrane thickening - Less follicular plugging - Less inflammatory infiltration
Lesions with keratin horn
Seb K
Lichen planopilaris
Usually 8 pilosebaceous follicles in each mm of biopsy
Thus 36 or more follicles normal in a 4mm scalp biopsy
- lichenoid band like infiltrate with interface changes involving follicular infundibulum, concentric lamellar fibroplasia
- interfollicular epidermis usually spared
- loss of sebaceous glands and follicles
- DIF nonspecific cytoid bodies positive for IgM
- fusion of hair follicles - in LPP not lupus
Traumatic neuroma
- Proliferation of small bundles of well delineated nerve fascicles in a fibrotic stroma
STAIN: S100 for Schwann cells
Blastomycosis like pyoderma
No evidence fungal/hyphae/
Sebaceous adenoma
Sebaceous lobule like structures
Peripheral basaloid cells (germinative cells) not more than >50%
need DNA mismatch repair markers
Cf. Sebaceoma - more disorganised, do not always retain the architecture; sebaceous duct like structures more prominent in sebaceoma
Mixed tumour of the skin
Chondroid syringoma
Circumscribed nodule
Clear cut cartilage with bluish appearance
Myxochondroid change, looks like cells are sitting in lacunae
Elongated , curved atubular structures
Rounded ductal structures / sometimes cystic structures
Lichen sclerosus
Hyperkeratosis Epidermal atrophy Some lichenoid change Follicular plugging Homogenised collagen [papillary dermis Underlying band like infiltrate
Adamantinoid trichoblastoma
Small nests with peripheral palisade — clear cells in middle not sebaceous origin
Warty dyskeratoma
Solitary cup shaped focus with acantholysis and dyskeratosis
Acantholytic acanthoma — no dyskeratosis
Old lesions of Grover’s - can be proliferative/atypical
Comedonal Darier
Palisaded encapsulated neuroma
Fascicular arrangement of Schwann cells- often separated by small clefts with neural/wavy nuclei with pointed polar ends
- no dysplasia
- can see some nuclear palisading
- often has artefactual change like BCC where tumour separates from dermis
- no clear capsule or thin capsule only
s100 positivity
Ddx: NF, Pilar leiomyomas
Verruca (deep plantar wart)
Church spire like hyperkeratosis
See inclusion like keratohyalin
Diameter of microscope field Olympus microscope
11mm at x2 power
Secondary syphilis
Numerous plasma cells, superficial and deep
Lichenoid reaction pattern or psoriasiform reaction pattern with long thin rete
Endothelial cell swelling
Halo naevus
Regression in naevus
Lichenoid reaction centrally
Dense admixed lymphocytes in the upper dermis
Venous lake
Large dilated channel containing erythrocytes with thin endothelial lining with thin fibrosis
Dilated capillary/venule
Can be thrombosed secondary to trauma
Thrombosis within a thick walled lumen within the subcutaneous fat
Ddx: erythema induratum
Polyarteritis nodosa
Clear cell acanthoma
Well demarcated acanthotic epidermis with pale/clear cells, overlying parakeratosis and may co-exist with a prurigo nodule
—> PAS, followed by PAS-diastase to remove glycogen
Blue naevus
- Dendritic melanophages and spindled melanocytes
- Spindled cell proliferation, spindled melanocytes look like angulated cells with processes
- Often arranged around a follicular structure
- Pigment throughout lesion
Spitz naevus
Plump epithelioid nests
Vertical orientation of nests in papillary dermis
Doesn’t always have Kamino bodies
Juvenile xanthogranuloma
Sheet like nodular aggregates of lymphocytes histiocytes and eosinophils with admixed touton giant cells
- admixed xanthomatous cells / foam change
- Tadpole shaped eccrine structures in dermis forming tadpole-like structures
Phototoxic drug eruption
Intraepidermal blister with neutrophils
Epidermal necrosis
Pyogenic granuloma
Exophytic vascular nodule
Lobulated capillary network
Epidermal collarette
Neutrophils correlate with degree of ulceration
Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
Nonspecific findings
— eosinophils with lymphocytic inflammation
— perivascular
— dermal oedema
Nodular sebaceous and basaloid proliferation
Nodular melanoma
- Prominent vertical growth phase
- few mitotic figures
- check peripheries in case arising in melanoma in situ
Ashy dermatosis
Lichenoid reaction pattern
Pigment incontinence
Upper dermal inflammation (lymphocytes/eosinophils)
- ## Discrete nodule in dermis of smooth muscle spindle cells arranged into fascicles
Lichen striatus
Combination of 2 reaction pattern in epidermis - spongiosis and lichenoid
— peri-eccrine lymphocytic infiltration
Clear cell hidradenoma
- solid and cystic areas with scattered ducts
DDx. poro-hidradenoma , many poroid cells
— Increase in mast cells
— look at proportion of mast cells to lymphocytes
Cellular Dermatofibroma
DF - CD13a positive, CD34 neg
Vs. DFSP - CD34 positive, CD 13a neg
Corynebacterium - gram pos bacilli in s. Corneum
Pagetoid dyskeratosis
Neuts in vessel wall
Dermal oedema
Polymorphous infiltrate
Epidermolytic acanthoma
Slightly endophytic
Coarse granules
VACUOLATED cytoplasm with eosinophilic globules
Granulomatous pigmented purpuric dermatosis
Granulomas in upper papillary dermis
Haemosiderin deposition
Papillary dermis filled with lymphocytes and histiocytes
Hypertrophic lichen planus
Lichenoid reaction in rete ridges
Extramammary Paget’s disease
Intraepidermal proliferation with predominantly single cells with admixed nests throughout the epidermis
- individual cells are large with amphophilic cytoplasm, large nucleus and prominent nucleoli
CK7, CEA, Cam5.2, S100 - likely primary EMPD
- CK20, CEA, CAM5.2 positive, CK7, S100
CK20 positive == urothelial origin
VZV blister
More likely to have associated folliculitis
Warty dyskeratoma
Cup shaped invagination with overlying hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis
- acantholytic dyskeratosis of the invaginating epidermis with scattered corp ronds and grains is noted
- dermal papillae lined by basal cells resemble villi and project into the invagination
Glomus tumour
Solid, well circumscribed nodular proliferation of small monotonous cells with round central nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm around dilated blood vessels
- no atypic
- cell positive for SMA
Actinic keratosis
Variable keratinocytic atypia in lower layers of epidermis with overlying focal parakeratosis
- alternating ortho and parakeratosis
- “sail sign”
Lichen striatus
Lichenoid reaction pattern
Mixed spongiotic reaction pattern with lichenoid
- peri eccrine distribution
Non caseating epithelioid granulomas in dermis and /or subcutaneous tissue with minimal lymphocytic infiltrate
- Schumann bodies or asteroid bodies present
Alopecia areata
Decreased anagen/telogen ratio (INCREASED TELOGEN HAIRS)
- sparse lymphocytic infiltrate around hair bulbs (swarm of bees) with admixed eos
- fibrous tracts seen with pigment incontinence +/- pigment casts
Traumatic fat necrosis
Lobular panniculitis
Fat necrosis , suppurative and granulomatous response
Erythema elevatum diutinum
NODULAR DENSE MIXED INFILTRATE WITH PREDOMINANT NEUTROPHILS AND LYMPHOCYTES, PLASMA CELLS, LCV. Fibrosis and lipid deposits in late lesions. May or may not have grenz zone
Peripilar haemorrhage Trichomalacia Pigment casts Lymphocytic infiltrate Increased catagen hairs
Dense infiltrate of neutrophils and plasma cells surrounding ruptured follicular units
- follicular plugging and intra/perifollicular neutrophilic infiltrates
- neutrophilic abscesses and hair shaft granulomas in dermis with admixed lymphocytes, histiocytes
Acne keloidalis nuchae
Perifollicular lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with neuts
- follicle rupture, hair shaft granulomas assoc. with suppurative inflammation and dermal fibrosis
Sinus tracts common
Deep penetrating naevus
Symmetric compound melanocytic proliferation , extends to lower reticular dermis and SC fat in wedge shaped pattern .
Nuclei small with hyperchromasia
—> extend down adnexae
—> stains with cyclin D1 - has had mutation in common with melanoma pathway
Desmoplastic trichoepithelioma
Cords and strands forming dermal proliferation ,
Angiomyxoid stroma
Dystrophic calcification
Microcystic adnexal carcinoma
- narrow, deeper islands with ductal differentiation
- stratified growth pattern with microcyst in upper portion and smaller nests and single cells at base
- invasion deep into subcutis (less likely syringoma)
- when around eye, have more prominent hyalinised stroma
- aka sclerosing sweat duct carcinoma
Polyclonal CEA stain - around eccrine ducts
Spindle cell SCC
- composed of partially or predominantly Atypical spindled cells in whorls or intersecting fascicles
- prominent mitoses
Intermixed dilated vessels with acanthotic epidermis
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
Wavy shortened elastic fibres in dermis
Stain: VVG, von kossa for calcium
Pseudo-PXE induced by penicillamine does not have calcium
Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicus
- narrow ulceration
- fibrin and necrosis above level of cartilage
- surrounding acanthosis
Granulation tissue, fibrosis in dermis below the ulceration - sometimes transepidermal elimination of cartilage
- cartilage if seen - can show degenerative changes
Morphoea profunda
Sclerotic collagen diffusely
Extending down to SC fat - septal panniculitis
Eccrine glands high riding
Loss of peri-eccrine fat
Collagenous and Elastotic marginal papules and plaques of the hand
- ## Thickened, vertically oriented collagen bundles with foci of calcification
Stains for sebaceous neoplasm
Adipophilin, EMA, MSH2, MSH6, MSH1, PMS2,
Lesions with pagetoid spread
Melanoma Merkel cell ca IEC SCC AK EMPD
Globular deposits of eosinophilic material with clefting
STAINS: crystal violet aka methyl violet - changes to magenta (metachromatic stain), Congo red, thioflavin T
Pityriasis versicolor
Distinct cell wall rather than artefact with poor edges
Spores and hyphae
Does not enter the epidermis, only the stratum corneum
Photoaggravated drug eruption
- Dendritic cells in the dermis
- mild spongiosis due to acute on chronic reaction
- sunburn cells in the epidermis
Granular cell tumour
Can have malignant subtype
- proliferation of large to round polygonal cells with granular eosinophilic cytoplasm in sheets
- individual cells show indistinct borders, small round centrally located nuclei
- large eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules —> pustulo-ovoid bodies of Milan, positive
Stains: s100 positive, Cal-ritinene positive
Malignant subtype has Ki67