Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis Flashcards
What is dermatomyositis and polymyositis associated with?
Malignancy (30-40% of patients)
- DM/PM may be part of paraneoplastic syndromes esp 2’ lung, pancreatic, ovarian or bowel malignancy
- DM/PM may precede malignancy by 2-3 years -> search for occult malig in recurrent, refractory or ANA –ve DM
- Most common malignancies are Gastric and NPC (hence OGD and Nasopharyngoscope)
Overlap syndrome w other CTDs (eg SLE, scleroderma)
What is the presentation of dermatomyositis and polymyositis?
Muscle weakness (DM and PM)
- Subacute/insidious onset of symmetrical proximal muscle weakness - difficulty climbing stairs, getting up from a chair, lifting up arms (when bathing yourself etc)
- May have mild myalgia +- arthralgia
- Acute phase: a/w constitutional symptoms
- Chronic phase (if untreated): a/w involvement of pharyngeal, laryngeal and respi muscles -> dysphagia, dysphonia and respiratory failure
Cutaneous features (DM) - Characteristic rash, often precedes/accompanies weakness
Periungal erythema and telangiectasia
Ulcerative vasculitis and subcutaneous calcinosis (25%)
- In the long term, muscle fibrosis and contractures of joints may occur
What are the skin symptoms & signs of dermatomyositis and polymyositis?
- Calcinosis,
- Raynaud phenomenon,
- Ulceration of fingertips (mechanic’s hands),
- Signs specific to DM,
- Telangiectasia (periungal)
Signs specific to DM:
- Gottron’s papules (*Pathognomonic if ↑CK + muscle weakness): flat-topped violaceous papules over extensor surface of MCPJ and IPJ, also elbows and knees
- Heliotrope rash: lilac purple eruptions over upper eyelid, often a/w peri-orbital erythema
- Holster sign: erythema over hip
- Shawl sign: rash across upper back and shoulders
- V sign: rash between breast
What are the cardiac features of dermatomyositis and polymyositis?
- Arrhythmias
- Cardiomyopathy
What are the respi features of dermatomyositis and polymyositis?
- Respiratory muscle weakness
- ILD -> confirm w HRCT and pulmonary fx test
What are the GI features of dermatomyositis and polymyositis?
- Esophageal dysmotility and dysphagia
What are the renal features of dermatomyositis and polymyositis?
Nephrotic syndrome
What are the skeletomuscular features of dermatomyositis and polymyositis?
- Polyarthritis
- Muscle weakness described in diagnostic criteria
What are the investigations to be performed for dermatomyositis and polymyositis?
Raised muscle enzymes: ↑ CK, ALT AST LDH aldolase
EMG: characteristic triad of changes
- Increased insertional activity, fibrillation, & sharp +ve waves
- Spontaneous, bizarre, high frequency discharges
- Polyphasic motor-unit potentials of low amplitude and short duration
Muscle biopsy
MRI: muscle edema in acute myositis
Skin: characteristic lesions +/- skin biopsy (to confirm dx)
Serum auto-ab: ANA, RF, Anti-Mi2 anti-Jo (myositis spef ab)
Evaluation for systemic complications
- Anti-Jo1: 50-75% develop ILD
- Barium swallow: if oesophageal dysmotility suspected
Evaluation for malignancy
- Consider age-appropriate cancer screening
- Bloods: FBC, RP, LFT, tumour markers
- Urine: UFEME
- Radiographic: CXR, CTAP, mammogram, pelvic U/S
- Endoscopic: OGD, colonoscopy, flexible nasendoscopy (?NPC)
- Others: pap smear, DRE
What is the management of polymyositis and dermatomyositis?
Adult PM/DM
• Bed rest, combined w exercise programme
- Treatment: PO Pred 0.5-1.0mg/kg, continue for ≥1 mth after myositis has become clinically and enzymatically inactive
- Resistance/relapse: Immunosuppressants, KIV IVIG in recalcitrant cases
Childhood DM
- More intensive, w earlier use of immunosuppressants