Dermatomyositis Flashcards
What other connective tissue diseases can dermatomyositis overlap with?
Scleroderma/systemic sclerosis (most common)>>SLE, Sjogren’s, RA
Epidemiology of dermatomyositis?
Bimodal age distribution (i) Juvenile DM: no increased risk of internal disease, Does have calcinosis cutis and small vessel vasculitis II Adult DM: a/w occult malignancy (~25% of time.
Most commonly associated tumors with DM in adults?
ovarian and colon, nasopharyngeal in SE asians
Pathogenesis of DM?
Environmental factors (malignancy, UV radiation, viral infection) trigger an immune response in susceptible people
Muscle inflammation –> cell-mediated immunity (CD8+ T-cells attack muscles)
Cutaneous eruption –> humoral immunity
In what % of patients are ANA + in DM?
60% of pts
- Some target DM antigens are in the cytoplasm (Synthetase and MDA5)
Clinical features of DM?
Gottron’s papules Violaceous hue of upper eyelids w/ periorbital edema - heliotrope sign Naifold telangiectasias –> ragged cuticles, proximal nail fold with dilated capillary loops alternate with vessel dropout.
Is DM pruritic?
Yes! unlike LE and other papulosquamous diseases, DM is very pruritic and can cause pt’s severe distress with this.
Common DM cutaneous manifestations?
Heliotrope sign, eyelid edema, gottron papules, gottron sign, photo distributed poikiloderma, scalp poikiloderma and scaling, non-scarring alopecia, nail-fold changes (ragged cuticles, cuticular hypertrophy, nail-fold telangiectasias), Holster sign (poikiloderma of the lateral thighs), psoriasiform lesions, calcinosis cutis
Myositis workup for DM?
-Proximal extensor muscle weakness (shoulder/hips) -Serum CK and aldolase, repeat q2-3 months -U/s or MRI of proximal muscle -Electromyography -Muscle bx
What is the definition of amyopathic DM?
Amyopathic DM is when muscle enzymes are normal w/ no muscle weakness for >2 years
Systemic workup for DM?
-Check for overlapping syndromes (i.e. scleroderma) -Check for interstitial lung dz (PFTs - DLCO or high-resolution CT) - affect 15-30% of pts -ECG
Evaluation for new DM/Amyopathic DM?
-Check at baseline and repeat annually x 2-3 years -Malignancy screen: breast and pelvic (W), testicular and prostate (M), rectal/colon (M/W)
Histology of DM?
- Epidermal atrophy - vacuolar interface dermatitis [sparse lymphocytic infiltrate] - Dermal mucin deposition - Gottron’s papules show a lichenoid infiltrate but have acanthosis rather than epidermal atrophy
What are the Anti-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase autoantibodies and what is their significance?
Anti-Jo-1 (histidyl) and anti-PL-7 (threonyl) These are associated with antisynthetase syndrome (fever, polyarthritis, ‘mechanic’s hands,’ Raynaud’s phenomenon, interstitial lung disease) -Present in up to 20% of adult patients
Significance of the Anti-Mi-2 antibody in DM?
Most specific for classic DM, milder muscle disease, good response to treatment, present in up to 10-15% of patients
What is the most specific antibody for classic DM?
What is the signifcance of the Anti-TIF1-gamma (ANTI-155/140) antibody?
Severe cutaneous DM; malignancy-associated; amyopathic
What antibody is a/w rapidly progressive interstitial lung disease?
Anti-MDA5 (CADM-140)
What is the clinical significance of the Anti-MDA5 antibody?
Clinically amyopathic CM -Characteristic mucocutaneous findings, including tender palmar papules, ulcerations on the knuckles/elbows, oral/gum pain, diffuse alopecia -Rapidly progressing interstitial lung disease
What is the significance of the Anti-NXP-2 (anti-p140) antibody?
Juvenile -onset classic DM w/ calcinosis cutis
What antibody is a/w juvenile-onset classic DM?
Anti-NXP-2 (anti-p140) antibody
What is the significance of the Anti-SAE antibody
Clinically amyopathic DM that may progress to myositis and dysphagia. -ILD is uncommon
How do you treat the myositis of DM?
Initiate steroids at 1mg/kg/day + steroid-sparing agent (i.e. MMF, weekly MTX) the taper steroids by 1/2 stargin dose by 6 months –> long taper over 2 years.
How do you treat the cutaneous eruption of DM?
Topical CS + anitmalarias + sun protenction
Risk of Hydroxychloroquine in patients with DM?
Still the first line but there is an increased risk of a cutaneous drug reaction to HCQ in DM patis, may tolerate chloroquine -2nd line is MTX, MMF, IVIG for refractory cutaneous DM –> maybe rituximab as an emerging treatment option.
What drugs should be avoided in DM?
TNF-a because of drug-induced or drug-exacerbated DM
How do you treat the calcinosis cutis in DM?
CCB +/- surgical excision