Dermatomes and Myotomes Flashcards
C6 dermatome
C7 dermatome
Middle finger
C8 dermatome
Pinky (ring and little finger)
T4 dermatome
Nipple level
T10 dermatome
Umbilicus level
L4 dermatome
Big toe
S1 dermatome
Lateral heel
Where can you pick up clear dermatomal losses
Extreme ends/frontiers/autonomous zones. Axial lines/border between non-adjacent dermatomes
Testing biceps reflex involves which spinal nerves?
C5 and C6
Testing brachioradialis reflex involves which spinal nerve?
Testing triceps reflex involves which spinal nerve?
Testing patellar reflex involves which spinal nerve?
Testing Achilles reflex involves which spinal nerve?
C5 is a heavier innervator of abductors? T/F
C6 is a heavier innervator of flexors? T?F
What movement/s to test C5?
Dominant movement: Shoulder abduction (note C6 also involved but C5 dominates) and shoulder flexion
What movement/s to test C6?
Shoulder abduction/flexion
Elbow flexion
Wrist flexion/extension
What movement/s to test C7?
Dominant movement: Elbow extension and also wrist flexion
What single movement to both test C6 and C7?
Dominant movement: Wrist extension
What movement/s to test C8?
Dominant movement: Thumb opposition and reposition + finger flexion
What movement/s to test T1?
Dominant movement: Abduction and Adduction of fingers
What movement/s to test L2?
Dominant movement: Hip flexion
What movement/s to test L3 and L4?
Dominant movement: Knee extension
What movement/s to test L5 and S1?
Dominant movement: Knee flexion
What movement/s to test L4?
Dominant movement: Ankle dorsiflexion
What movement/s to test S1?
Dominant movement: Ankle plantarflexion, hip extension and knee flexion
Which dermatome for thumb
Which dermatome for middle finger
Which dermatome for 5th finger
Which dermatome for nipple level
Which dermatome for umbilicus level
Which dermatome for big toe
Which dermatome for lateral heel