Dermatology_UW Flashcards
What kind of reaction is allergic contact dermatitis
Type 4 hypersensitivity reactions
Comedones are present in rosacea or acne vulgaris?
Acne vulgaris
Presentation of rosacea. Demographics of patients?
Rosy flushing with telangectasia over cheese, nose and chin. May also have papules and pustules (that are not present in SLE, seborrheic dermatitis). Usually 30-60 year olds in fair skin, light hair and eye color.
Rosacea is preciptated by?
Hot drinks, heat, emotion and other causes of rapid body temperature changes.
What is the most frequently prescribed initiial therapy for rosacea?
Topical antibiotic such as metronidazole
Dry rough skin with horny plates over extensor surfaces is hallmark of?
Icthyosis. Worsens during winter. Sometimes called “lizard skin.”
What is the basic pathophysiological mechanism for GVHD?
Recognition of host major and minor HLA-antigens by donor T lymphocytes and consequent cell-mediated immune response.
What are the target organs in GVHD and the ppt?
Skin (maculopapular rash involving palms, soles and face that may generalize), intestine (blood-positive diarrhea), and liver (abnormal liver function tests and jaundice).
Ppt of tinea corporis
Ring-shaped scaly patches with central clearing and distinct borders.
Tx of tinea corporis.
Topical treatment with 2% antifungal lotions and creams (eg. Terbinafine) or systemic tx with griseofulvin for extensive disease.
Ppt of pityriasis rosea
Numerous oval, scaly plaques which follow trunk cleavage lines. Centers of lesions of crinkled, cigarette paper like appearance. Often presents with initital lesion called the herald patch which is much larger than the later lesions. Christmas tree distribution.
Erythema multiforme usually a/w what infection?
HSV infection
What is the clinical ppt of herpetic whitlow
Throbbing pain in distal pulp space, swollen, soft and maybe tender. Lateral nailfold may also be affected. Systemic sx like fever and lymphadenopthy may occur. Non-purulent vesicles on the volar aspect are clinically diagnostic. Usually self liming infection.
Herpetic whitlow caused by? Mode of transmission
HSV 1 or 2. Direct inoculation through broken skin.
How to dx herpetic whitlow
Positive hx of exposure and giant multinucleated cells in Tzanck smear.
Herpetic whitlow most commonly found in what population?
Women with genital herpes, children with herpetic gingivostomatits, health care workers are at increased risk due to exposure to infected saliva.
What is felon? Who develops it?
Bacterial infection o the distal volar space, characterized by throbbing pain and tense abscess. Tailors get it from needle injuries.
Thickening of epidermis
Thickening of stratum corneum
Retention of nuclei in stratum corneum
Abnormal keratinization
What is the ppt of warfarin induced skin necrosis? What areas are most commonly involved?
Pain, followed by bullae formation and skin necrosis. Breasts, buttocks, thighs and abdomen. Usually starts within weeks after starting therapy.
What is the management of warfarin-induced skin necrosis
Vitamin K should be administered promptly in early stages and if lesion progressions, d/c warfarin. Heparin should be used to maintain anticoagulation.