Dermatology Tuff Stuff Flashcards
What med should you NEVER use to tx seborrheic dermatitis?
What is the tx for stasis dermatitis?
Leg elevation, exercise, weight reduction, support
stockings, moisturizers,
pulsed mid-topical corticosteroids:
- triamciniolone acetonide 0.5%
- or fluocinolone acetonide 0.025%
What is the tx for hidradenitis suppurativa?
counseling: lifestyle, diet, smoking, no soap
MILD(stage 1):
- topical clindamycin
- oral antibiotics (doxycylcline/ minocycline, clindamycin)
- surgery
- intralesional cotricosteroids* (triamcinolone or kenalog) +
Moderate- Stage 3:
- oral antibiotics (first line- tetracyclines; Refractory cases-clindamycin and rifampin)
- hormonal therapy in females.
Adalimumab (HUMIRA)- day1: 40 mg injections, 2 weeks later 2 40 mg
What meds cause psoriasis flares?
beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, lithium
What is the tx for an exanthematous (morbilliform) drug eruption?
d/c med
topical steroids
What is the tx for drug induced urticaria?
d/c medication
SYSTEMIC steroids: (prednisone)
What drugs cause drug induced urticaria?
PCN, radioactive contract, NSAIDS
within minutes/hours of administration
What drugs cause SJS/TEN?
Sulfas Ibuprofen Carbamezapine Cephalosporins Allopurinal Fluoroquinolone
What dx is associated with lichen planus?
Hep C
What is the tx for lichen planus?
topical high steroids
oral antihistamines
What med should you NEVER use to tx psoriasis?
What is the tx for psoriasis?
First line: topical steroids then get them to a dermatologist Heavy ointments Antihistamines Phototherapy If joint involved then biologic Topical vit A and D analogs
What conditions in a pt’s hx should raise your index of suspicion for guttate psoriasis?
-beta-hemolytic Strepococci (streptococcus pyogenes) -acute strep pharyngitis in adults -perianal strep in kids
What is the tx for erythema multiformi?
If herpetic, tx with antivirals (valicyclovir)
topical steroids, lidocaine if painful
Oral prednisone if extensive or refractory
What is the tx for erythema multiformi major?