Dermatology (To Be Sorted) Flashcards
How do retinoids work?
inhibition of the formation and # microcomedones, reduction of mature comedonesreduction of inflammatory lesionsproduce normal desquamation of the follicular epithelium.
What are side effects of oral retinoids?
Birth defectshypertriglyceridemia, elevated LFTAbnormal night vision, benign intracranial hypertensiondryness of the lips,skin…secondary staphylococcal infectionsarthralgias rare/conflicting evidence for: bone effects hyperostotic lesions, premature epiphyseal closure increased risk of IBD mood changes (depression, suicidal ideation)
What monitoring is required for oral retinoids?
laboratory testing of lipid profiles and liver function tests monthly
What derm meds can cause pseudotumor cerebri?
minocyclinetetracyclinedoxycyclineOCPSteroidoral retinoidsphenytoinVit Aoral retinoids
what are the clinical features of Psoriasis
red well demarcatedirregularmicaceous scaleAuspitz sign - bleeding if remove scaleKoebner sign - new lesions appear at sites of traumanail pitting, onycholysis, subungal keratosis, oil stainingKids - upper inner eyelids, scalp, knees, elbows, umbilicus, superior intergluteal fold, and genitals
what is guttate psoriasis
triggers - post GAS infection, viral, sunburn, if steroids stoppedacute erruption and many lesionsresolution wk to month
DDX for psoriasis
seborrheic dermatitisnummular dermatitistinea corpisptyriasis rosea
what are side effects of cyclopsorine?
renal toxicityhepatotoxicityHTNgingival hyperplasiaGI upsettremor and paraesthesiaNeed to do: renal, LFT and CBC monthly
side effects of biologic agents
allergic reactioninc risk of infectionheadachescytopeniafuture malignancydemyelinating diseasenew of worsening heart failure
Incontinentia Pigmenti
X linked - lethal in malerare ectodermal disorderDerm - linear streaks, vesilcles, increased eosinophil. 4 stages. Ocular issues - neovasuclari, small eyes, optic nerve atrophyCNS - dev delay, SZ, paralyisdentition - late, connical teeth, impactionalopecia - 40% nail issuesskeletal abnormalities
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis is associated with?
Endocrinopathies (hypoparathyroidism, Addison disease), hyperIgE syndrome, autoimmune disorders, HIV, and inhaled corticosteroid use The atrophic form: most common form in older adults, erythema without plaques, can also have cheilitis (fissuring at angles of mouth)
Toxic epidermal necrolysis
> 30% of BSAairway obstructioninfectiondehydrationeye involvement - blindnesspain - oral and SKIN!!!GU stricturesliver failureMGNT : IV iG and cyclophosphomide
cause of TEN
agregation of mast cells in skinurticaria (urticaria pigmentosa - infants, urticaria, can gest systemic signs of histamine release)Darier sign - scratch skin and see urticariaRx - avoid triggers - hot bath, anything that itches, morphineRx - H1 blocker
Dx of NF
2 out of 7: CAFE SPOT* cafe au lait spot > 6* Axillary freckling* Fibromatosis* Eye- Lisch nodules* Skeletal bowing* Positive family history* Optic Tumor
Erythema toxicum onset
within 2 days, resolves by 2 weekshigh eosinophils
what is the management to tinea pedis
absorbent antifungal powder - zincImidazole
What condition is most often associated with Tinea pedis
id Reaction -sensitized individuals and has been attributed to circulating fungal antigens derived from the primary infection. The eruption is characterized by grouped papules (Fig. 658-2) and vesicles and, occasionally, by sterile pustules. Symmetric urticarial lesions and a more generalized maculopapular eruption also can occur
What are features of erythema toxicum neonatorum
red macules, papules and pustulespalms and soles not involvedrare in premseosinophilic pustules
when does seborrheic dermatitis occur
1 month to 1 year
how can a famiy manage diaper dermatitis?
1.frequent diaperchange2. gentle cleaning - no rubbing, no need to remove all diaper cream3. sitz baths4. avoid baby wipes5. ZINC barrier creamif no improvement- 1% hydrocortisone +/- antifungfal
baby has diarrhea, perioral and diaper area rash and is very irritable. DX
Zinc defeg: acrodermatitis enteropathica
what is PHACES syndrome?
Posterior fossa abn/structural brain abnHemangioma(s)Arterial cerebrovascular anomaliesCoarctation/aortic abnormalitiesEye anomalies
Erythema Nodossum causes
NODOSSSSUMMNSAIDSOCPDcOlitis - IBDSulphonamidesStrep ASyphilisSarcoidosisUCMycobacterium TBMama = pregnancy
what are complications of hand-foot-mouth
coxsackie - myocarditis, pericarditis and shockenterovirus - brainstem encephalomyelitis, neurogenic pulmonary edema, pulmonary hemorrhage, shock, and rapid death