Dermatology nomenclature Flashcards
Outline the different skin types
I. Always burns, never tans
II. Always burns, sometimes tans
III. Sometimes burns, always tans
IV. Never burns, always tans
Define pruritus
Define lesion
An area of altered skin
Define rash
An eruption
Define naevus
A localised malformation of tissue structures
Define comedone
A plug in a sebaceous follicle containing altered sebum, bacteria, and cellular debris.
May be open (blackhead) or closed (whitehead).
List terms used to describe the distribution of a lesion
Generalised: all over body Widespread: extensive Localised Flexural Extensor Pressure areas Dermatome Photosensitive: sun-exposed areas Koebner phenomenon: linear eruption at sites of trauma
List terms used to describe the configuration of a lesion
Discrete Confluent: merging together Linear Target: concentric rings e.g. erythema multiforme Annular: circle/ring e.g. tinea corporis Discoid: coin-shaped/round
Define erythema
Redness which blanches on pressure
Due to inflammation and vasodilatation
Define purpura
Red or purple colour which does not blanch on pressure
Due to bleeding into the skin or mucous membrane
Define petechiae
Small pinpoint macules
Define ecchymoses
Large bruise-like patches
List terms used to describe the colour of a lesion
Erythema Purpura Hypopigmentation Depigmentation e.g. vitiligo Hyperpigmentation
Define macule
A flat area of altered colour
Define patch
A large flat area of altered colour or texture
Define papule
Solid raised lesion <5mm in diameter
Define nodule
Solid raised lesion >5mm in diameter
Define plaque
Palpable scaling raised lesion >5mm in diameter
Define vesicle
Raised, clear fluid-filled lesion <5mm in diameter
Define bulla
Raised, clear fluid-filled lesion >5mm in diameter
Define pustule
Pus-containing lesion <5mm
Define abscess
Localised accumulation of pus in the dermis or subcutaneous tissues
Define wheal
Transient raised lesion due to dermal oedema e.g. urticaria
Define boil/furuncle
Staphylococcal infection around/within a hair follicle
Define carbuncle
Staphylococcal infection of adjacent hair follicles (multi boils/furuncles)
List secondary skin lesions
Excoriation Lichenification Scales e.g. silver scales in psoariasis Crust Scar: atrophic, hypertropic, keloid Ulcer: loss of epidermis and dermis Fissure: epidermal crack Striae: linear scar-like purple to pink to white
Define alopecia
Loss of hair
Define hirsutism
Androgen-dependent hair growth
List terms used to describe nail changes
Koilonychia (spoon): iron deficiency anaemia
Oncyolysis: separation of nail from nail bed - psoriasis
Pitting: psoriasis